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Take the Trading out of the game? Change the Name to PCG live

aDarkFishpond Member Posts: 1

Pokémon Card game: Live.

not sure why you are taking out trading between people in live, but might as well take it out of the name as well, it will at least be a better fitting name for the game.

if you want to save this game, let the community trade please.

The "Dust" system is pretty bad.



  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    Have you ever actually used trading for anything besides buying cards with packs? If not, that's why they took it out. Nobody actually used it to trade, and adding it to this game would be pointless since there's a code limit and no pack inventory. They'd basically have to completely redo huge parts of the system from the ground up.

    The credits system is better overall, though it could use some adjustments for the lower rarities. Compare how much it costs to make a Palkia deck on PTCGO vs Live.

  • Bludrigg
    Bludrigg Member Posts: 6
    Name Dropper First Comment First Anniversary

    ""The credits system is better overall, though it could use some adjustments for the lower rarities. Compare how much it costs to make a Palkia deck on PTCGO vs Live.""

    I duno, maybe 2-5$ on ptcgo? Code scans cost like 30 cents each.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @Bludrigg Now that's funny. That wouldn't even get you a single OF Palkia V.

  • magikarpex
    magikarpex Member Posts: 13
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    Palkia V is around 13 packs each and Palkia VStar is 38 each. That would be 166 packs for the 4-3 line. That's $50 just for those.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    Yeah, exactly. The barter system is better for budget decks as-is, but even still it would be more cost effective and overall healthy to just fix the issues with the credit system than it would be to add trading. Those issues being:

    • Lower rarities are imbalanced in terms of cost. Everything should have a 3:1 ratio at worst. However, for some reason, commons and rares are 4:1, and uncommons are a ridiculous 5:1. Commons should have their cost reduced to 30, uncommons to 60, and rares to 300/325, while keeping the same payouts.
    • We should be able to exchange any card at will. Then everything becomes much more valuable.
  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    Fun fact: in spanish, the name of the game is "JCC pokémon" or "juego de cartas coleccionables pokémon" which translates to "Pokémon Collectible card game". Is the word "trading" absent in other languages too? I believe in japan the game is just called "Pokémon Card Game".

  • Dislikej48
    Dislikej48 Member Posts: 3
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    TechHog,found that 80% of the comments praising PTCL in the forum were sent by you, and I doubt that you are an official. PTCGL is so low-level now, if you are not an official, it is hard to understand why you refute those bad comments all the time.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    Ignoring the alt account and continuing my previous post...

    • The battle pass should give a lot more credits. The dumb idea with the decks not giving credits for the sake of "fairness" was something that was obviously made up and just made things harder for everyone. Either reverse it or increase the number of total BP credits to at least 10k.
    • Add log-in bonuses that give crystals and/or credits
    • Add some weekly and/or monthly challenges with rewards.
    • Increase the code limits (500-600 per set should be fine)
  • Pantherine
    Pantherine Member Posts: 8
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    As it stands I have no need to engage with the "TCG" community, if there were trades I would have a reason to reach out to other players.

  • fafnitchaos
    fafnitchaos Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    I'm not going to say that the credit system is perfect, however getting a dowsing machine for 600 credits here compared to online where it would cost 60+ packs seems like a better system for players who want to create decks.

    Trading is nothing more than a gouging system in online, I've seen so many bad trades and spending an entire day refreshing over and over again for a good deal on 1 card is a huge waste of time when I could just be building and playing. It's filler content and I hated it, this system is way better.