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Feedback: Want focus placed on gameplay and UI rather than cosmetics/non-gameplay experience.


Place priority on speed of actions and fixing gameplay issues that make playing the game so frustrating instead of working parts of the game that have nothing to do with actual gameplay experience.

1.    Speed up the end of game. If a player's attack/action results in taking the remaining prize cards to win the game, just automatically pick up the prize cards instead of making the player manually spend multiple clicks and waiting for animation time to complete it.

2.    Get rid of the end game victory posing screen and annoying emotions. We don't need passive aggressive animations, especially after losses, that take up more time from being able to start another game/deck editing.

3.    Deck builder is frustrating to navigate. The problem with the deck builder embodies the main problem with the UI, too many clicks required to do simple tasks. The way the old one worked was perfectly fine. You could literally just copy the way the old one worked and we'd be happy instead of fixing something that isn't broken. No need for a shiny, new way of doing it. We had no problems with the previous one.

  • When clicking on a card, you HAVE to click the "X" button to close the image down. "ESC" or clicking the background should minimize it.
  • When choosing a different version of the same card, for example, let's say I want to change out 4 non-holo Professor Research currently in the deck for 4 holo versions, when reducing the number of non-holos to 0, you now have to search for the same card, click it again, click to find the version you want, and then add it.
  • Show all version of a card instead of making a submenu for it. More clicks for no reason.

I will caveat this with saying that I know there are different teams that work on the app (gameplay, art, etc.) so I know you can't just tell make everyone devote their time to fixing one thing, and that my experience has purely been on PCs (Windows and Mac), no mobile, and understand that there are certain things meant for the mobile experience.

