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NPC matches gone??

One of my favourite parts of TCGO was that they had challenges against non-player characters (NPCs) or against the "computer." From what I have seen and read, the only NPC you can play now is to test your deck builds?

I REALLY wish I had not migrated my account!! I'm gunna be honest, I'm TERRIBLE at this game and the only time I won was against the computer. The game isn't any fun if you only ever play against really really good players - and let's be honest, 98% of the people playing are long term dedicated players. This is a pretty niche game.

I really hope they bring back NPC challenges.


  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    I think that you should just stop telling yourself that you're bad and give PvP a try. At least part of the problem of Online was that it gave you zero resources or information to build a good deck. If you didn't invest a lot of time into it (and possibly a lot of money into buying codes too), you were stuck with the garbage Theme Decks that the game started you off with. Even if you bought a "good" Theme Deck from the store, it was only good in its own format.

    Live gives you the best possible conditions to get you started in the PvP experience. The current pass gives you 4 fully built decks that are up to a competitive standard (even if they're not S+ tier and could use 1 or 2 changes here and there), 2 of which you get at the first tier of the pass. If you're not confident in your ability to use them then look up some videos of people playing them. With a bit of time you'll learn to use them without too much trouble.

    Stick to Casual mode at first. Sure, you'll still find some people tryharding in Casual, but you should see a lot of players who are also just learning or who are just having fun with random decks. A lot of the long term dedicated players find Ranked more appealing, so that's where they'll be concentrated.

  • Barcoblanco
    Barcoblanco Member Posts: 1
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    I completely agree with the OP. I've played several casual games now and I end up just conceding Turn 2 when faced with a armada of EX and someone who has churned through half their deck (seemingly).

    Maybe if there were a format with no ex Pokémon and possibly no Trainers as well, it would help keep the try hard in the Standard and competitive areas while giving ACTUAL casual players a chance.

  • 10types
    10types Member Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

    You can use the test deck feature which will match you against a computer. Also, if you are a newer player, get a good feel for the starter decks because they are pretty good.

  • Bexy4322
    Bexy4322 Member Posts: 2
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    First game in and ended up conceding due to how much time he was taking throwing out ex pokemon etc when I was using a basic deck. Really doesnt seem like fair match ups.

    Trying to teach my 9yo how to play againt this type of player just ends in heartache. So much for a new generation being able to learn and grow when up agai

  • yvelta96
    yvelta96 Member Posts: 4
    Name Dropper First Comment

    You should use the lunatone solrock deck. Use only 4 solrock, 4 lunatone, and a radiant greninja and use the extra space for more card draw. I've won 5 games in a row with this and it has no ex.

  • relyt90
    relyt90 Member Posts: 1
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    My girlfriend and i also really wish that they would bring back the NPC gameplay. More specifically, the NPC progression. It gave us something to unlock and work towards. It also provided a basis to compare decks against, since the npc decks were the same every time you played them. One step further than that, it gave us a reason to even buy new decks in the first place. I had hoped that the new app would revamp and improve it. I didn't expect it to disappear. We really don't play at all now that the NPC and progression is gone. Maybe i'll log in once a year now to see if they ever add it... Developers, please add it back! You will make money from people like us = )

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    They won't make money since there's no way to give them money.