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My deck

ClawAGENT Member Posts: 1

How is this deck, this does 270 to non-Vmax, GX, and EX, 300 to GX and EX, and 420 to Vmax:

Pokémon (14)

2 Zacian (Main Pokemon because it does 300 Damage to Vmaxes and 150 to non-Vmaxes)

4 Regieleki V (for regieleki Vmax)

4 Regieleki VMAX (for its ability that makes basic Pokemon do 30 more Damage)

2 Feebas (for its evolution)

2 Milotic (protecting bench)

Trainer (34, cause why not!)

3 Choice Band (NOT choice belt, this card makes Pokemon do 30 more Damage to enemy GX and EX)

2 Boss's Orders (To make sure I hit the right enemy)

2 Professor's Letter (Zacian needs 3 different types of energy!)

3 Nest Ball (To quickly get Zacian and Feebas)

3 Adventurer's Discovery (To get all Regielekis)

1 Adventure Bag (To get Choice band)

2 Cynthia (To draw cards)

4 Potion (To heal till I get my energies intact!)

2 Switch (To switch)

4 Energy Switch (To energy switch incase one of my Pokemon are about to die)

2 Switch Cart (To switch and heal!)

3 PlusPower (To KO arceas Vstar)

1 Sky Seal Stone (To do Vstar)

2 Arc Phone (In case I have something important in prize cards)

Energy (12 cause why not!)

4 Lightning Energy (For Regieleki)

2 Speed Lightning Energy (To draw and for Regieleki)

2 Grass Energy (Zacians)

2 Psychic Energy (Zacians)

2 Metal Energy (Zacians)


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    FYI, Pokémon-EX and Pokémon ex are not the same thing. Choice Band doesn't work on the new Pokémon ex, and Pokémon-EX aren't playable in the game yet.

    And Expanded in this game isn't a real thing.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 865 ✭✭✭✭
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    regieleki only boosts damage for basic LIGHTNING pokemon

  • jamey1974
    jamey1974 Member Posts: 2
    Name Dropper First Comment

    I tried an expanded game once. The other player gave up before we really started lol. after that I got tired of waiting for another player so I haven't tried it again. maybe sometime in the future they'll fix that.