Aid me in my quest

Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
I really want a shiny eevee to raise a shiny sylveon for my team. BUT. I have the worst luck ever with shinies and I have no chance on my own. So if anyone has a shiny eevee or has good luck with shinies and can get one, help me out. I'll trade one of my shinies for it (Geodude, Voltorb, Remoraid. Yes, that's it.)
In which game?
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Arceus, Violet, Sword, Let's go Eevee, GO, I don't really care
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I have a spare shiny Eevee in PoGo, but I don't feel willing to give it up.
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Not even for the remoriad??? (Kidding)
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I seem to have OK shiny luck in Scarlet but I don't remember if I got any since the day I got a shiny spring Sawsbuck and a shiny Rellor in great succession.