Pokemon Forums Story 8th Gym Challenge
@L_LostWord Wynaut make that word joke?
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What are the rules for the champion battle?
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6 pokemon, 1 gimmick, and short transition after battle to know that something doesn’t seem right which will lead to @Josiah2580 part
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I'm not the only one who makes puns featuring Wynaut it seems like. Why? Wynaut.
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I had a couple questions they're still in this form but if you can I would want answers to them
Also it might be a while before my thing actually gets up there because I want it to be like really emotional and stuff and with my current schedule it might take a while and they have to approve it and everything which could usually take about a week so I don't know
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one time my lil brother walked up to the most popular girl in school and said "wynaut go on a date with me?"
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A powerful Magikarp that can use earthquake, AND after doing so his trainer yells "FACE ME IF YOU DARE, MORTAL!" ? This is one of the funniest pits of writing I have EVER read. 😂 My friend will love this, one of his favorite Pokémon is Magikarp
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I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for him
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Dont get me wrong the whole school laughed but he got the date
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