If Pokémon Evolution Methods were Easier

We all know about sucky evolution methods that tick us off, such as trading, or for these specific Pokémon: Runerigus, Palafin, and Melmetal. I have ways of fixing those problems.
Gengar - Haunter at level 45
Conkeldurr - Gurdurr at level 50
Basculegion - White Stripe Basculin at level 40, but only when everyone else in your party is fainted
Melmetal - Meltan at level 60
Runerigus - G. Yamask at level 40 holding a Cleanse Tag
Palafin - Level 38 while in an area with many people (cities, schools, etc)
Tell me if this helped
How do you evolve gurdurr
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My younger brother told me how to evolve Galarian Yamask one day because I needed help with it and I've kinda got it etched in my head.
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I know or, but it never worked for me. I would do everything right, then nothing
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Evolution gimmicks are a double edged sword.
On one hand, they promote and introduce new features and technology (trading, day/night cycles, motion sensors, etc.) and retain a little bit of a mystery surrounding certain Pokémon.
Or they did before the age of readily available 24/7 internet access in your pocket that allows you to simply look up why your Pokémon isn't evolving.
On the other hand, once you have discovered the secret and successfully evolved a Pokémon using a new method, it very quickly loses its novelty. Consequently, when evolving those same Pokémon in later games or training them for use in competitive matches, the gimmick becomes another tedious frustration impeding your progress.
A potential solution might be to give the player an item that allows them to evolve the same Pokémon through levelling once you have successfully performed the gimmick evolution. This could be justified with some lore fluff, like the Rotomdex monitoring and replicating the energies to enable future evolutions or something.
That way, some mystery is preserved for players who resisted the urge to spoil the full Pokédex for themselves before the game's release or look up the evolution method online, while streamlining the process once the secret has been uncovered.