Which Starters in the series do you like most?

Member Posts: 113 ✭✭
For me, they're all really good in their own ways, performance and styles. Though they all share the same Grass, Fire and Water elements, some of them look really interesting, like Piplup, Snivy and Fennekin for instance. I chose them in the core games I played so far in my checklist, and I always let them evolve to their last forms rather than keep them smaller for longer or always, since I prioritise strength more than getting their new moves sooner.
On one of my previous BDs, I received a fantastic desktop wallpaper from Nintendo consisting of all nine sets of Pokemon Starters and Pikachu himself, grouped together. I really like it, it fits my screen perfectly! ^^ :)
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The Galar Trio
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F E N N E K I N !