competitive teams

I need help with tournaments pls😿
use a baton pass team
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Azumaril and mimikyu are good with setup and baton pass
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Is baton pass usable in open team sheet? I feel it's too predictable.
This is all a filler post to make it seem like there is actual information and content to grab your attention but in fact it is all <redacted>. Except the advice to bring Dragonite. Dragonite is strong, and beautiful, and the most handsome. It can be used in many ways and support a wide variety of pokemon partners. Be a champion. Choose Dragonite.
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I did a ranked battle I think yesterday and got demolished by someone's Dragonite.
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I would also recommend pseudo legendaries. Tyranitar is good, and many others. But NONE of them are as good as ONE pokemon that is TOO good (I'm looking at YOU Incineroar). You would also want fast pokemon, or maybe a trick room team.
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Typhlosion-max sp. atk-choice specs-helping hand boosted from clefairy- in sun-tera fire-STAB-bst sp.atk very high- full health eruption typhlosion is CRACKED. Sneasler and dragapult are also good