Pokémon 7th Gym Challenge from the Pokémon Community Forums

Arlo woke up. He yawned and rolled out of bed. That felt less nice. "Ouch..." His alarm had gone off an hour ago, but he had had a rough night yesterday on his way to the 7th Gym, where Gym Leader Noah was in charge. He stumbled to the bathroom, sighed because of his bags under his eyes and started brushing his teeth slowly. "Pawmi!" Pawmi jumped up happily at Arlo. He lost his balance and fell hard with his head against the glass wall of his hotel shower. He sighed again, but he did pet Pawmi's head lovingly.
After he had gotten ready, he had taken his backpack and Pokémon and was on his way. It was only a 5-minute walk, so it wasn't far away. There he saw the enormous Gym building rising up into the sky. He went inside. There he saw all the people who worked for the Gym walking back and forth. He walked to the counter. "Hey, I'm here for the Gym battle later!" Arlo said. "Ah ok! I'll get Noah." The woman behind the counter stood up and walked away. Arlo waited impatiently at the door. There he saw Noah approaching, busy talking to the woman. When they reached him, Noah introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Noah! You're Arlo right? I've heard from my fellow Gym Leaders that you've got a lot in you! Come on in!" Arlo walked with Noah to a large field. "Okay, get ready Arlo!" A Rotom drone flew towards Arlo and Noah. "Bleep! Each trainer is allowed to use 4 Pokémon. Each trainer is allowed to Gigantamax, Dynamax, Mega Evolve, Terastallize, or use a Z-move once. Will both opponents reveal their Pokémon? 3... 2... 1... Go!"
A shiny Annihilape shot out of Noah's Pokéball. Its shine was so breathtaking that it nearly blinded Arlo. Arlo chose Pawmi as his first Pokémon. "Pawmi, I choose you!" Noah went straight in with a powerful Double Kick. Annihilape jumped at Pawmi and gave him a good thrashing. Pawmi was bothered by it, but immediately went on the defensive. "Pawmi, use Fast Attack!" Pawmi ran up the wall and jumped on top of Annihilape. It started to thrash and dodged. "Annihilape, use Rage Fist!" This time from a distance, Annihilape shot a good punch at Pawmi. Pawmi didn't pay attention and was so startled that he was knocked out. "Pawmi, return." Arlo sighed. "Okay, I choose you, Duraladon!" Duraladon jumped out of his Pokéball with a cry and was ready for battle. Noah was also ready. "Annihilape, do Cross Chop!" Annihilape hopped towards Duraladon in a zigzag. "Duraladon, dodge!" But it was too late. Duraladon was badly damaged. Noah's Annihilape was far too powerful! Noah saw it too and scowled. He asked the Rotom drone for a little Time Out. The Rotom drone agreed and Noah walked over to Arlo. "Arlo, I have something that might be useful to you." He started digging around in his pocket and eventually found a Dynamax band. Arlo's jaw dropped. "With this you can Dynamax Duraladon. And if you train enough; but that's not for now; you'll eventually be able to Gigantamax it.
When the Time Out was over, Arlo and Duraladon, and Noah and Annihilape jumped back into place. Arlo was too curious and touched his Dynamax band inquisitively. Suddenly, his Pokéball started to vibrate. He looked at it and realized that Duraladon was inside! Suddenly, the Pokéball started to change color and grow. Arlo thought something was wrong and threw the Pokéball away. Out jumped Duraladon. Only fifty times bigger than normal. Arlo's jaw dropped again. Noah was overjoyed. "You have successfully DYNAMAXED! You have successfully DYNAMAXED!" Arlo, overwhelmed by his success, wanted to really try out his new power. "DURALADON, USE MAX STEELSPIKE!" Duraladon started to rumble and move, gathering so much power that Arlo could not see for a moment. When the attack was over, Arlo looked at the field. Duraladon had shrunk back to its normal size and was lying unconscious on the ground along with Annihilape. "Pokémon using a Max Move for the first time put all their energy into it. Unbelievable!" Noah shouted. They both returned their Pokémon, and Arlo chose Manetric. Noah now went for a powerful Passimian. "Passimian, do Scary Face!" Manetric dodged and fired a powerful Thunderbolt. Passimian was hit and had scratches on one eye. He didn't look very strong anymore. "Can you go on, Passimian?" Noah asked. The Teamwork Pokémon nodded to Noah and used Bulk Up. Manetric was unaffected and used his favorite move again; Thunderbolt. Passimian was down.
Noah chose his third Pokémon; Conkeldurr. This Conkeldurr had a great move that was also very special for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon. He knew Superpower. Noah wanted to show that off and had his Conkeldurr use Superpower. Of course, that didn't appeal to Manetric at all. In no time at all, it was time for Arlo's last Pokémon: Servine. This one was shiny. "Oh my god! Do you have a Shiny Servine?? So cool!!" Noah was completely obsessed with Servine. That worked to his disadvantage, because Conkeldurr was now immediately eliminated. Noah was very casual about it. "Oh never mind. Now I want to show pure power." He grinned evilly. "LUCARIO I CHOOSE YOU!!! MEGA EVOLVE!!!" In front of Arlo stood a gigantic Mega evolved shiny Lucario. Arlo's mouth fell open so wide that Servine had to hold him up. "SHINY AGAINST SHINY!!!" Noah shouted. "MEGA LUCARIO, DO AURA SPHERE!" Servine had no strength left, he was still standing, but not for much longer. But then Servine started to shine.
Servine began to change, grow and shine! HE WAS EVOLVING! Suddenly, in front of Arlo stood a giant, shiny Serperior! "SERPERIOR, USE MEGA DRAIN!!!"
Arlo had won. Noah was now the one who stood there with his mouth open. "Bu... Wait... But... Oh My GOD!" Noah ran up to Arlo and flew around his neck. He thrust a Pokéball into Arlo's hands. Arlo opened it and out jumped the shiny Lucario. He jumped up to Noah. "No Lucario, this is your new owner." Lucario looked back and nodded approvingly at Arlo. His 5th Pokémon was in.
This was genuinely amazing, I am actually really impressed by this. You honestly did a really good job on this part of the story.
So next up is the final gym leader which will be written by @Tacolaser which I'm pretty sure is water type if they are still up for it, and also for arlo's team at the current moment we have got
Shiny serperior
shiny pawmi
shiny lucario
manectric (can mega evolve)
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Amazing story! I had a detailed story for mine, (Accidentally deleted it), But this is WAY better!
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Sparkle sparkle and shine, Serperior!
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@clasingla yeah and Duraladon can dynamax, maybe @Tacolaser should begin his part of the story with training to Gigantamax?
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@clasingla i just had the idea to make a scratch game of our whole gym challenge thing. I can do a really good job with that ☺️
So can you maybe send me in links all story parts?
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@NoahLaprasForum Your part is so cool! You did great! I honestly think we have some of the best writers.
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@NoahLaprasForum I was planning on rewriting the story that I wrote to make it better, and if you want to make a game about it, I would be happy to rewrite it for that game to give you ideas. If you don't, that is fine. No trouble though.
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@TURTLEEEEEE yeah i like that!
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@clasingla yes please do that