Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have flareon. Can I have magneton.
My username is mistol skeet. I sent friend request.
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I can give you Celebii for Pachirisu
Username: RiceBurner
Friend ID: 50472562485253570 -
looking for celebi ex
Have blastoise ex and Gyarados ex to offer
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Hey i have pachirisu and dialga. Do you have celebi, gyarados, charizard, palkia
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looking for celebi ex
Blastoise ex
Starmie ex
Zaptos ex
Mew ex
Gyarados ex
Friend id: 8037-2992-7370-260
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I have a pachirisu, do you have a mismagius?
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Hello everyone! There are a few cards I've been looking for and many I can trade, so let me know if you're interested!
Looking for:
Leafeon, Heatran, Magmortor, Porygon-Z, Mismagius EX, Tangrowth (full art), Shaymin (full art), Shinx (full art), Driftbloom (full art), Lucario (full art), Crogunk (full art), Heatran (full art), Regiggas (full art), Carnivine (full art), Giratina (full art), Hippopotas (full art), Staraptor (full art), and Glameow (full art).