Thoughts on Weather and their abilities?

With Snow replacing Hail in Generation 9, it rekindled a thought I've been having since Generation 6. Weather has been a thing since Pokemon's early days(introduced in Generation 2) but didn't really become a thing until Generation 3 when abilities allowed certain Pokémon to not only set Weather but keep it going for the entire battle. This lasted until Generation 6 when it was changed to last 5 turns or 8 turns with appropriate weather item to mirror the moves Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Sandstorm and Hail(which only lasted 5-8 turns respectively). Yet by setting Weather, it permitted certain Pokémon to gain a combat edge(like double Speed, Evasion boosts, and altering power of certain moves(ex: Solar Beam executing in 1 turn). Snow in Generation 9 buffed the living snot out of Ice types by giving them a much needed 50% boost to Defense while under its effects(and we all know how putrid they are Defensively. No chip damage too so even non-Ice Pokémon can be used on a team with it).
To me, I feel they ought to go back to the old Weather setup but with a slight tweak. Namely Pokémon with Weather inducing abilities should be able to set Weather indefinitely(in an intense state) for as long as they are on the field. The moment they leave, the Weather will downgrade and behave like it has since Gen 6 and dissipate after 5-8 turns. Should the Weather inducing Pokémon return to the field, the Weather is re-energized. The timer for the Weather is halted and goes up by 1 for each turn the Pokémon is on the field(up to a maximum of 5 or 8 turns). Kind of OP I'll admit and maybe a compromise could be found but I strongly feel abilities such as Snow Warning should be stronger than their move counterparts.
Anyways, I'm curious what you all think of Weather abilities and what not. Snow has certainly reinvigorated Ice types(my favorite type) so I was wondering what your thoughts happen to be.
I like ice types too. Especially Froslass and Kyurem.
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I am building a team around the special water, fire and grass pledge abilities. Water and fire make a rainbow, which make the secondary effects of moves to happen more, water and grass make a swamp, reducing the other teams speed, and grass and fire make a sea of fire, which does chip damage. I have a team built around setting up rainbow, switching to ancient power tyranitar, and sweeping. It's really cool, and I think that pokemon did a good job hiding those little effects.
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Yeah, the Pledge abilities were introduced back in… ugh Gen 5? Don't quote me on that because I'm doing this off of memory. They were made explicitly with Double/Triple Battles in mind, but I don't really recall them ever being utilized much since their introduction. I suppose if people started using them more, some strategies to counter them might develop. I know Clefable and Magic Guard are a hard counter to the Grass/Fire combo since she cannot take chip damage(only direct attacks harm her, hence she makes a compelling Life Orb user).