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Rate my first ever pokemon deck

So I created my first deck today with not much deck knowledge so can y'all give feedback

1x Cook

1x Body building dumbbell

1x battle VIP Pass

1x potion

1x Great ball

1x super scoop up

3x switch

1x boss's orders

5x steel type basic energy

2x water type basic energy

2x fire type basic energy

2x dark type basic energy

2x fighting type basic energy

3x Stone fighting type special energy

1x single strike fighting type special energy

2x electric type basic energy

2x Volcarona

1x Nickit

1x Trubbish

2x thundurus

1x skarmory

2x Gravaler

2x hitmonchan

1x cufant

1x steelix

1x torcoal

1x goodra

1x gossifluer

2x stonjurner

1x Arcanine

1x Usaring

1x Clawitzer

1x bisharp

1x bronzong

1x Zeraora

1x manetric

1x Charmelon

1x turtonator

1x scrafty

1x pikachu

1x houndoom

Yes it's probably a bad deck but I just wanna play for fun
