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Forums gym challenge battle (Gym 4 (Dragon))

TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 414 ✭✭✭
100 Comments 25 Likes 25 Agrees 5 LOLs

Arlo (Main character)'s pokemon: Shiny servine, shiny pawmi, litleo, duraludon, and mega manectric.

Gym leader's pokemon: Drakloak, Vibrava, Tsatsughiri, and Shiny Tyrantrum

The gym leader sends out Drakloak first, while Arlo sends out pawmi. Pawmi tries to get around Drakloak with its's speed, but Drakloak stuns it and then Knocks it out. Then Arlo sends out duraludon. Duraludon takes out drakloak with a single dragon pulse. The gym leader sends out Vibrava next, while Arlo switches to servine. Vibrava flies up high, but servine knocks it down with a razer leave, then finishes it with a leaf blade. Arlo then confidentially switches to litleo, not knowing that tsatsughiri was coming out next. Tsatsughiri wipes it out with a single surf. Then duraludon comes out, and tsaughiri uses surf again. Duraludon floats, but then tsatsghiti takes the water away, and duraludon falls. It hits the ground with a CRASH, and then tsatsughiri finishes it with a dragon pulse. Arlo then sends out manectric, which easily knocks tsatsughiri out with a discharge. Then the gym leader ends out Tyrantrum. It's shiny blue color glistens in the light. You can see sparkles emitting from it. Arlo mega evolves manectric, and uses thunder. It hits Tyrantrum, but doesn't knock it out. Tyrantrum then knocks manectric out with outrage. Arlo sends out servine, and uses leaf blade while Tyrantrum is still confused. Tyrantrum seems like it will fall over any second, knocked out. As a last resort, the gym leader uses stall tactics, with rock head-head smash. Servine gets hit a couple time, but then Tyrantrum hits the wall and gets a part of it's head stuck in the wall. Servine then comes in and uses leaf blade to knock it out.

Sorry for the delay @clasingla

I had a more detailed version of this, but it somehow got deleted

Also, do you think that I should have given the gym leader a name?

