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New survey in unite. Make sure to let them know about the problem with bots

A new survey appear in the game. For anyone will make a survey pls let them know about the problem about matchmaking against bot in ranked and normal mode. Its for the better to know that if it keeps with the bot problem, will loose more players.


  • LenchyK
    LenchyK Member Posts: 5
    First Anniversary First Comment

    Filling out the survey is pointless. There is no incentive for them to improve matchmaking, as doing so does not generate any money. They generated a survey using AI to make people think that they care, but no changes will be made to improve the gameplay experience, regardless of the survey's results.

    This game makes money because little Timmy has his parents' credit card on the Nintendo E-Shop and wants to play with the new Charizard/Greninja/Blastoise skin, not because the quality of the matches.