Have: frogadier, 2 vaporeon Want: Misty, Serperior

Member Posts: 21 ✭
Feel free to reply if you would like to trade
I am open to other trades
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Do you have Misty?
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Which Vaporeon? Genetic Apex or Mystical Island.
I need the Genetic Apex Vaporeon.
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Yeah genetic apex. Do you have Misty?
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I've got Serperior, looking for a gen apex magneton
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Yes, I have Misty (For GA Vaporeon)
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I need the Vaporeon. I have many to offer.
Alakazam, Geninja, Aerodactyl, Volcarona, Tauros, Flareon, Jolteon, Gengar, Golem (GA), Golem (MI), Kabutops, Muk, Dragonite, Ditto, Serperior, Vaporon (MI), Mew (MI)