Out of trade points : ( Thanks to all my new friends!

i'm looking for:
Arcanine ex MI 041 ◇◇◇◇
I have ex cards ◇◇◇◇ for Exeggutor, Pikachu, Mew and Moltres
Feel free to friend request 6525596754439833
I can trade you Zapdos
Looking for Victreebel, Muk, Charizard, Gardivoir
Friend ID: 9446510562925933
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Muk on his way to you! Thanks for that.
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I can trade any of these
full arts- gyarados, Lapras, alakazam, weezing, meowth, exeggutor, vaporeon, marshadow
EX- moltres, blastoise, zapdos, gengar, mewtwo, machamp, celebi, gyarados
Add me if you need any of the above I just need a pidgeot ex0286757260462332
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Sorry mate, I need pidgeot ex myself
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I can do that - double swap?
I've friend requested!
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Cool! I've sent the second half of the trade now…. do you still want to do that Marowak ex for Gyarados ex? Its in your trade box : )
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Cool! I've sent the second half of the trade now…. do you still want to do that Marowak ex for Gyarados ex? Its in your trade box : )
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Adding you to send a Marowak EX for Charizard EX! Also have a Celebi EX if you already got one or the other :)
In-Game Name: mccrmck