Trade Cards For Complete A1 Pack
Sorry bro bro, i have the cards that i want to via trade from this post. feel free to comment other people on this post to trade. Thanks to @Meggeson10 for the help/trade 😁
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Dont have a nidoqueen sorry
3 diamond I have: venusaur, butterfree, blastoise, poliwrath, Omastar, articulo, magneton, gengar, hypno, mewtwo, machamp, nidoking, weezing, kangaskhan, aerodactyl
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Looking for Apex A1 ENG: Victreebel, Muk, Charizard (4), Gardivoir (2)
Friend ID: 9446510562925933
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I have
I have Magneton A1#98
Looking for Apex A1 ENG: Victreebel, Beedrill, Muk, Charizard (4), Gardivoir (2), Dragonite
Friend ID: 9446510562925933
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I can trade any of these
full arts- gyarados, Lapras, alakazam, weezing, meowth, exeggutor, vaporeon, marshadow
EX- moltres, blastoise, zapdos, gengar, mewtwo, machamp, celebi, gyarados
Add me if you need any of the above I just need a pidgeot ex0286757260462332