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About God packs/ Wonderpicks and Inappropriate Conduct

Hello DeNA, Creatures Inc, Pokémon Company,

We all received your message about inappropriate conduct, and obviously, we support you in your actions.
TCG Poket is a game that we all love playing and don't want to see ruined by people that promote any form of black market or try to make real money with the game.

However, many people who are casual players know about the Wonderpick/GodPack trick.
They used real money to get Pokégolds or Hourglasses to have a chance to pick a nice card.
These people would sincerely understand and probably stop with a simple warning because, as I said, for most of us, we do love the game and want to continue playing it.

However, it also reflects that those players would like a better way to get those 2-star cards.

The Pack Point system is clearly not enough, and the odds of getting one by pulling are very low.
This is why rerolling has become so prevalent over the last months.

Here are some measures that I'd like to discuss and advise:

1°) To stop the GodPack farming:

  • Simply decide that any GP is now impossible to trade.
  • Add an Immersive/Crown Rare into each GP that would make them impossible to trade.

Obviously, it won't stop rerollers, and they will continue to farm 1- and 2-star cards by sharing codes.
That's why I'd like to suggest better legal ways to get the 2-star cards:

2°) Give the players better ways to get the 2-star cards.

  • The trading system could be made available for 2-star cards.
  • Make 2-star cards purchasable with Shop Tickets (that way we can convert excess 2-star cards into tickets and buy those that we want).
  • Make 2-star cards purchasable with Pokégold directly.

These measures would help people get the cards they want and make the rerolling exploit unnecessary.

Thank you 🙂


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The exploits started way before anyone knew how trading would work, or even if they would really allow any kind of trading...

    Exploits have no excuse when done on purpose, so I would be very disapointed if the God Pack abusers don't get permanent ban, and those that done other moderate/minor exploits should also be suspended for weeks or months.

    This is the minimum they must do to keep honest players on board.

  • Yan_Ue5
    Yan_Ue5 Member Posts: 26
    10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic Name Dropper

    The trading feature was announced in the 1st trailer. We all knew it was coming, even before the beta (in October).

    Then when the beta started, a TON of players "moved to New Zealand" to test the game... DeNA was totally aware of that and very nice about it.
    Now we are talking about the same type of players that just add "friends" to their friend list to have a chance to get some Godpacks...

    Technically, they don't violate the ToS, but it's clearly a grey area where they know these "friends" have a great chance of not being real...
    And remember that these players use their Pokégolds (SO REAL MONEY) to get a chance to pull the right card...
    So they are not badly intentioned or trying to break the game. They are just tens of thousands of players, completionists, passionate about the game, and trying to play the game that they love.

    A ban or, even worse, a permaban would be way too severe and would create huge disappointment and certainly a significant loss of players and revenue for DeNA.

    I do understand, however, that the method is not ideal. That's why I'd be okay with:

    1°) Taking measures to stop the GP farming.
    2°) Giving players a better way to get access to the 2-star cards.

    A last point that I'd like to mention:
    There is another type of "players" that are totally different from those I mentioned before:
    —> They create accounts and sell them to make real money with the game.
    These kinds of players have no excuse and absolutely deserve a permaban!

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I didn't said when trading was advertised, we were all aware that the feature could be in the game in the future or maybe not... what I said was "nobody knew how trading would work, or even if they would really allow any kind of trading...".

    There were many doubts if they would really add that feature until few days ago when they officially confirmed it... and also only a few days ago we know generally how it will work... so that’s no excuse for exploiting.

    And the God Packs exploit it's clearly a big abuse of a system that it's not suposed to work like that (high rarity cards are suposed to be hard to get... not super easy to get) and it's a critical advantage for those cheaters card collection, defenetly they need to get permanent ban. The game doesn't need those cheaters they can leave because they just got everything for free (cards that honest free players will take ages to get, if we ever get them at all), this people are actually bad for the game revenue because some paying players may feel disencourage to put money on it, and many honest free players feel disappointed and if the cheaters can get it all so easily for free without being banned the rest of the player base may quit the game like I will if nothing happens to them.

  • Yan_Ue5
    Yan_Ue5 Member Posts: 26
    10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic Name Dropper

    Ok i totally disagree with you, but i respect your opinion.

  • Blockinlick
    Blockinlick Member Posts: 67
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    edited January 29 #6

    [Mods: Please delete this double-post, because I can't figure out how to myself]

  • Blockinlick
    Blockinlick Member Posts: 67
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    I am with DoubleCure.

    I didn't even know about this exploit. I read this thread and went "Wait, what?", googled it, and proceeded to watch a Youtube video on it.

    No way should there be any leniency on this whatsoever. Every person involved, ESPECIALLY the re-rollers knew exactly what they were doing. That this was, by legal definition, an exploit.

    I currently have collected rainbow Articuno and Moltres. When I finally do pull rainbow Zapdos to get the special mission icon, I don't want there being any possible assumption from anyone that I cheated it from re-rollers.

    The fact that collection accomplishments like this feel cheapened this way now is a real big "why even play now?" for a lot of people.

    The people responsible, both re-rollers AND the players benefitting from them on purpose should all be PERMANENTLY BANNED.

    They all knew exactly what they were doing when they did it. No mercy for cheaters.

  • Werenka1
    Werenka1 Member Posts: 20
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    So much like Blockinlick, i had no idea what re-rolling was, and much the same looked it up… and honestly… what part of it is against TOS? At no point in any thing that I recall reading does it say you cant do this. Its not even listed in the TOS “Article 17: Prohibited Actions”

    I may have watched an incorrect example of re-rolling, but there is not, to the best of my knowledge, anything stopping the player from doing the example that I saw.
    If theres a way to re-roll that doesn't require the creation of dozens of accounts and perhaps hours of your time just for the chance of pulling one card, then okay maybe. But theres nothing stating you cant make a new account