best packs to open to upgrade the Charizard EX league battle deck

I recently went on my first in person event and bought myself the league battle deck and the trainers toolkit.
long story short i had the issue where i dident have enough cards or abilities to pull the cards i needed to get a good setup, and i also had a problem with evolving to my Pidgeot EX.
I would also appreciate some card suggestions mainly from the scarlet and voilet area sets whitch i might have lying around.
Pokémon: 7
4 Charmander
2 Pidgey
2 Charmeleon
1 Pidgeotto
2 Pidgeot ex
1 Squawkabilly ex
3 Charizard ex
Trainer: 16
2 Counter Catcher
1 Prime Catcher
2 Nest Ball
2 Professor's Research
2 Artazon
2 Boss's Orders
4 Iono
4 Arven
1 Professor Turo's Scenario
1 Technical Machine: Evolution
2 Super Rod
1 Defiance Band
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
4 Ultra Ball
1 Switch
4 Rare Candy
Energy: 1
8 Basic Fire Energy
Thank you for all the help and a happy new year
What trouble did you specifically have with evolving into Pidgeot ex? Was it because crucial cards were prized, or because getting the proper combination of cards is a bit of a problem?
Either way, maybe you need a bit more draw support. To do this, I'll suggest an expansion to consider. I know it's SwSh era, but you might benefit in Brilliant Stars. Specifically, if you pull Bidoof/Bibarel from it as an alternate source of drawing into what you need (until you get Pidgeot online, that is). Lumineon V is also in the expansion, which helps a lot with getting any Supporter you want. Lastly, Manaphy is is this expansion if you have a problem with opponents attacking your Bench (doesn't solve Dragapult ex matchups though).