Would you survive Z

Member Posts: 79 ✭
Picture this your about to be hit by a Z move which one would it be?
Would you survive Z 10 votes
Breakneck Blitz (normal type)
All Out Pummeling (fighting type)
Sub Zero Slammer (ice type)
Continental Crush (rock type)
Inferno Overdrive (fire type)
I said it before, and I will say it again. Uno reverse card
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Twinkle Tackle ( fairy type)
Like school.
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Inferno Overdrive (fire type)
Wake up. that's how you get out of it. Wake up
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I need to play more Moon to evaluate my choice…
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Gigavolt Havoc (electric type)
I chose Gigavolt Havoc. Farraday proved you can re-direct Electricity via a Farraday Cage. Granted this would require I prepare beforehand. In Pokemon terms, its pretty much any Pokemon Type or ability that grants immunity to certain moves(ex: Ground Type on Electric). Ever guessed right that the opponent would Z-Move and swapped to a Pokemon immune to it? Such a sweet feeling no?