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7-Star Tera Raid Ideas: Scream Tail

BlaziiBoi Member Posts: 384 ✭✭
100 Comments 25 Agrees 25 LOLs 25 Likes

Iron Bundle got a special raid in SV, so why not Scream Tail?

Moveset: Boomburst, Psychic, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam

Extra Moves: Misty Terrain, Sunny Day, Psychic Noise

Tera Type: Fairy

Stat Boosted by Protosynthesis: Sp. Atk

Rewards: Ability Patch, TM for Dazzling Gleam, 10 Calcium, 30 Fairy Tera Shards, 15 Rare Candies, 30 XP Candies XL, 20 XP Candies L
