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Features I really miss

KartanaDonk Member Posts: 9
First Anniversary

Hi Pokémon,

I just migrated my main account to the Live beta. I was waiting for the iOS version because I mostly play on my iPad. Anyway, so far so good. I just wanted to mention a couple of features that were really useful in PTCGO that I miss in Live.

  1. the game log. This was very helpful to be able to access during the game, and a nice feature to be able to save afterwards, both for game analysis and for reporting bugs. It would be nice to have access to some record of actions as the game is playing out, or at least afterwards.
  2. opponent’s deck list. I think the old system was very good for this. Players had the option not to share, but it was really a good feature that I used a lot. Please bring it back. Being able to see, save, and export/import opponent’s deck lists is pretty important.
  3. individual deck statistics. This is a big one! The game should keep track of wins and losses on a deck by deck basis. I love the new feature of my overall player win loss stats, but the deck stats are arguably much more important. I need to know how my build is doing, and whether any changes are improvements or not. Please, please, please bring this important feature back.
  4. in game chat with friends. When playing with a friend, or in a challenge game off the ladder, chat should be available.
  5. tournaments,
  6. theme deck or other prebuilt formats,

Also, there are a couple of new features that would be absolutely amazing if they were added.

  1. a rematch button. Very simple, like in Super Smash Bros. Rematch option comes up after the game, and if both players agree, they can run it back.
  2. a best of three option with match timer
  3. global rankings once the highest tier is reached.
  4. a spectate mode for content creators

I look forward to seeing how the app develops in the future.


  • guestplayer1350
    guestplayer1350 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    I had no idea there was going to be a new version.

    If there is no theme / pre built deck format that will drive a bunch of us away that don't have time for the deck building meta game but just want to play against semi- balanced decks.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @guestplayer1350 There's a casual ladder at least where people might play non-meta decks. But yeah, there's no theme format and the game can't really facilitate one.