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Early Prismatic Evolutions preview (Part 2): Vaporeon ex

Like Flareon ex, this card was mentioned in the "Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions" article on Pokemon.com. It is now available in Japanese.

(Note: You are about to preview this card in Japanese.)

What do you think about this card?

(Note: This card might be translated later in the Comments.)



  1. (English (US)) The Pokémon Company International (TPCi) - Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions
  2. (Japanese) Pokémon Trading Card Game Trainer's Website - ハイクラスパック「テラスタルフェスex」|ポケモンカードゲーム公式ホームページ「トレーナーズウェブサイト」
