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If I gave Paradox Pokémon new names

BlaziiBoi Member Posts: 384 ✭✭
100 Comments 25 Agrees 25 LOLs 25 Likes

Due to the fact that Scarlet and Violet were rushed, I thought if Game Freak took the time to decide on new names, it could've been way more different. I have beef with the Paradox Pokémon in the game because they have awful names in my opinion. I have ideas for new names though.

Great Tusk → Scaly Tremor

Iron Treads → Seismic Scrap

Scream Tail → Neural Voice

Iron Bundle → Arctic Android

Brute Bonnet → Shady Spores

Iron Hands → Metal Muscle

Tell me if you like the names or not in your opinion. I will be making more.

