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Legacy Cards, or Prior PKMN TCG Collection question.

Hiya. I'm sure this has probably been asked and answered before and please direct me if i'm posting this in error, but what technically became of my previous cards from the prior app? All in curiosity mainly, i've no qualms if they are technically gone so no complaint. I get that it's a different app too, and honestly prefer it over the previous one a bit so far. I just wonder, I was shocked to start reading all the changes, which i stumbled into right after my wife handed me the cards to redeem. We've played the phyical card game off and on for years so I racked up a decent online collection.


  • novamouy17
    novamouy17 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment Photogenic

    I'm in the same boat, accept I would have way preferred the old TCG to this new one and I'm not ok at all in any way that my collection is completely missing especially when I tried to recover anything when I clicked to migrate my old account and receive absolutely nothing. not even the gems or points or anything. I'm actually very upset.