Which card from Surging Sparks do you think that it's the most competitive?

According to Pokemon.com, the top competitive cards are in the options below. (You can give the reason. If you think that another card(s) in Surging Sparks is the most competitive, you can let me know in your comments.)
More details: → Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Surging Sparks Top Competitive Cards | Pokemon.com
Which card from Surging Sparks do you think that it's the most competitive? 9 votes
Counter Gain (Surging Sparks 169/191)
I think that it's Counter Gain, because it can reduce the amount of Energy needed to attach to a Pokémon (such as Milotic ex, Hydreigon ex, Slaking ex, etc. from Surging Sparks) if you have more Prize cards left than your opponent.
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Other (Please comment its name)
Energy Search Pro- takes Gholdengo to a powerful level!!!
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Other (Please comment its name)
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Counter Gain (Surging Sparks 169/191)
I made that list according to Pokemon.com.
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Latias ex (Surging Sparks 76, 220 or 239/191)
Yooo that's actually a really good point. Gholdengo is creeping up to BDIF at the moment thanks to that ace spec. I might even take it to EUIC this year. (I booked my spot not too long ago.)
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Latias ex (Surging Sparks 76, 220 or 239/191)
It's too hard to power up and is too unreliable due to the attack being on a coin flip. The only deck in which it has seen play is Regidrago VSTAR, as a situational attack to knock out some things. But other than that it's a pretty terrible card. As for the discussion question, I think that the card most powerful on it's own would be Pikachu ex, but I really like the versatility of Latias ex and feel that it can be played more widely across any number of decks that use basic pokemon and like to switch.
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Other (Please comment its name)
but the coin flip is on one side KO doe Active and on the other side KO for benched! @OlderAngel11
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Latias ex (Surging Sparks 76, 220 or 239/191)
Yes, that's true, but what if your opponent has a one-prize pokemon in the active spot? Or no two-prize pokemon on the bench? Besides, it takes three different energy to power up, has no good form of acceleration, and the attack isn't even worth it for all that. Like I said, it will be played loosely in Regidrago, but it will not become its own deck unless it receives a ton of stuff that can help it out.
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Other (Please comment its name)
yeah i think it can be a filler for a deck, like Iron Hands EX @OlderAngel11
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Latias ex (Surging Sparks 76, 220 or 239/191)
Why would you play it in Iron Hands? Iron Hands doesn't use grass or water energy. I'm telling you, regidrago is the only thing that it will be played in.