Hourglass refresh once a month?!

The fact that they designed it to where the main currency of this game is hourglasses or wonder picks & you can only do so, so many times based on a time frame is a poor design. Ppl are gonna pay to win either way so if you dont make it fair for f2p players to catch up the majority will leave. Phone games arent console games they really dont hold that much weight to be doing this [Edited by Mod_Bee - Please keep language appropriate for all audiences].
…There are solo battles to complete and gain rewards. If you don’t have any shop tickets or hourglasses, play event or regular solos, or set up display cases and binders to get likes and shop tickets. Consider your options before posting discussions with an available solution.
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I oppended my 4th pack and got one I already had
Insert disintegrateing emoji here
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i have majority of genetic apex cards and am a f2p players compared to some other games (UNITE hint hint) the difference between paying and not paying is very small the statement you make is an overexaggeration if you worry about not having enough hourglasses learn how to budget and not immediately buy them when they come out
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I much prefer it when the only purchasable items are cosmetics when it comes to competitive games. If there have to be purchasable items at all, which are fairly reasonable in a free-to-play game. Less reasonable when you buy a full priced game and they still expect you to buy everything.
It is a delicate balancing act. Make the free model too restrictive and you will end up with a tiny playerbase of whales, who will eventually drop out due to lack of opponents to whom they can show off all of their shiny cards and sleeves.
Make it too easy to get everything you want, and no one will ever buy anything.
In the case of Pokémon, it is the world's highest grossing media franchise, with physical trading cards, video games, anime, manga, toys and Pokémon branding on just about every other product under the sun. If TCG Pocket doesn't turn a profit, it can still be seen as marketing and promotion for the physical TCG or Pokémon products in general. TCGP can afford to be a little more generous with their F2P model than games for whom it is their sole source of income.
At the moment I think the model has been reasonable. I did take the free premium pass trial, but haven't bought anything, and I still managed to build multiple competitive decks just using my free packs and currency.
Of course, booster packs are random. I could have simply gotten lucky. But given that you cannot directly buy or trade cards, the inverse is true for the biggest whale out there. They could buy tons of gold and never open anything good.
But statistically the more packs you open, the more likely you are to open chase cards. And players who buy packs are obviously goings to open more and have better chances.
It is worth keeping an eye on, and we should be vigilant for exploitative practices. But for the time being I am satisfied with the model.
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Would you prefer a melting emoji?