Memory drive question

I was at a local pokemon play event and my opponent was running archaludon with relicanth(084/162) for memory drive. I had used crown opal from terapagos(170/142) on the evolved archaludon(130/191) so they had 180 damage and I had the buff from that attack preventing damage from basic Pokémon's attacks. But they wanted to use raging hammer from duraludon(106/142) to deal 260 damage to knock out my terapagos instead of 220 from metal defender, would they be unable to use raging hammer because it's a basic Pokémon's attack? I hope this made sense, it was super situational and I'm so confused.
crown opal only blocks damage from certain sources
first, it only affects basic pokemon…and secondly, it only affect non-colorless pokemon
if the pokemon is not basic or colorless, crown opal will have no effect…Archaludon is a stage 1 pokemon meaning it's a non-basic pokemon which in turn means Crown opal will have no effect…the damage will go through but the protection will not activate
thus rampaging hammer can be used to KO Terapagos