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Cards suggestions/fanmade

I propose to share here the cards you'd like to see, or would have created if you had the chance.
It might give the developers some ideas 😄

Any energy symbol is written with two parenthesis and it's 1st letter in capital.
Water (W),Grass (G), Fire (F), Lightning (L), Colorless (C), Steel (S), Dark (D), Dragon (Dg)

Here are some examples from me:

Ninetales Ex:
(Stage 1) Evolves from Vulpix

-Hp: 130

-Pokemon power: "Flame curse"
"If Ninetales-Ex is your active Pokémon, the defending Pokémon is now burned."

-(F) (F) Fire Spin: 60

Weakness: (W) (+20)



"Your energy for the next turn becomes (L) or (W) (you choose wich one)"


Feel free to say your opinions or share your own ideas 😄


  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 675 mod
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    Great idea, @Yan_Ue5! Sharing creative card concepts could inspire fantastic additions and your example is an excellent one! I’d love to see what others come up with! 😊

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Yo, that Lance card idea is really good. Super on point. I love how it would almost only ever be useful in a Dragonite deck.

  • Yan_Ue5
    Yan_Ue5 Member Posts: 26
    10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic Name Dropper

    The Mythical island set gives me hopes for Pidgeot EX: 😄

    Here is my version of it:

    Pidgeot Ex
    (Stage 2) Evolves from Pidgeotto

    -Hp: 150

    -Pokemon power: "Gust of Wind"
    "Once during your turn, if Pidgeot is your Active Pokemon, you may switch out your opponent's Active Pokémon to the Bench. —(You choose the new Active Pokémon)—"

    (C ) (C ) (C ) Hurricane: 90

    Weakness: (L) (+20)

    Explanation: It has the same power of the regular Pidgeot but YOU choose what pokemon you gonna put on the active spot ! And no retreat cost so you can put it on the bench easily to use his power 😎

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
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    How about some trainer cards that act as meta-stabilizers. Generally you'll find there are cards that can be really potent against a certain deck or archetype, but the downside to running it is it's a dead draw against other decks. For example:

    Psy-Inhibitor (or my preferred title Spoon Straightener)

    Trainer Card

    "Remove one psychic energy from your opponent's active psychic pokemon."

    Cards like this are obviously printed to deal with overwhelming decks in a meta cough Mewtwo Ex cough, but they do pose interesting decisions particularly in competitive or tournament formats where as a deck builder you have to decide if the power boost against one potential deck in the meta is worth making your deck worse against all others.

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes Name Dropper

    An interesting idea. But I think probably too strong. Getting to choose what pokemon gets forced in is the only real counter play decision the defender has against those kinds of effects. Taking that away would be interesting in that it adds a new dimension of strategy to consider, but is it a fun dimension? I doubt it.

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Here's an interesting idea:

    Baton Pass - Trainer Card

    Swap your active pokemon with one of your benched pokemon. All energy on the active pokemon is transferred to the new active pokemon.

    So this card could accomplish a couple of things. First, it allows bulky frontliners with high retreat cost to actually be played without being an automatic point loss. You can pump them with energy and threaten damage while also being able to safely pull them back without paying retreat or losing the energy. Second, it makes for a cool way to move energy around that is strong, but has limitations. For example, it's great for stacking up energy without giving up the ability to attack, and then swinging into a benched hard hitter. Obviously better than X-Speed in that context. However, it's lousy if you want to swap into a pokemon that you know is going to get ko'd next turn. You can't use it to throw in a fodder mon or a revenge killer without losing all that energy you'd like to keep on the current active mon. So in those situations it's worse than x-speed or just retreating. It also threatens a new kind of swap that opponents need to consider and plan against.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,416 ✭✭✭✭
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    Raised with Care


    This non-colorless pokemon now gains a resistance.

  • Yan_Ue5
    Yan_Ue5 Member Posts: 26
    10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic Name Dropper

    I see what you try to do here and i like your idea. 😀

    However it would be way too strong for the actual state of the game in my opinion.

    It's like you mearged a buffed leaf/ x-speed and a generic Vaporeon/Lt Surge effect.

    Here is how i would balance it:

     Baton Pass - Supporter Card

    Swap your active pokemon with one of your benched pokemon. All energy and damages on the active pokemon is transferred to the new active pokemon. (You can't use this card if it makes Ko your new active Pokemon)

    Even like this, it still sounds too powerful in my opinion 😅

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Hmm interesting thought. You're probably right that it needs some tweaking but in terms of concept I like.

  • Yan_Ue5
    Yan_Ue5 Member Posts: 26
    10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited December 2024 #11

    I made another Ex pokemon: MUK ! 😄

    Muk Ex
    (Stage 1) Evolves from Grimer

    -150 HP

    -Ability: Toxic Gas
    "As long as Muk Ex is on the field, any poison damage is 20 instead of 10"

    :Darkness::Darkness::Darkness: Gunk Shot: 100
    "The opponent's Active Pokémon is now Poisoned "

    Weakness: (F) +20
    Retreat cost: ( C ) ( C ) ( C )