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New TCG Pocket "Mythical Island" set revealed

DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭✭✭
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TCG Pocket Mythical Island expansion was revealed today (launches on December 17), it features over 80 cards… including 5 new Pokemon ex, 5 new Trainer cards, and also immersive cards.

It looks like Aerodactyl ex (stage 1 fighting type) and Mew ex (basic psychic type) will be the main top cards of the set.
I guess Mew ex will see a lot of play… with 3 energies (of any type) attached it can use any of your opponent active Pokemon attacks.

I'm just kind of disappointed that dragon and metal type seems to have not receive any love in this coming set, what's your first reaction to this expansion?



  • Dredfraw
    Dredfraw Member Posts: 29
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    Yeah I can see Mew ex and Aerodactyl ex getting a loooot of play, they look pretty good. I would like to have seen more new pokemon introduced rather than variant cards of Pokemon that are already in the game, but meh maybe that's just me being overly critical at first glance. That Vaporeon full art is beautiful though.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Indeed that Vaporeon looks beautiful and its ability it's great for water type decks… there is also a Pidgeot ex (probably colorless type) and Celebi ex (probably grass type).

    I agree about the already existing cards point, I really was expecting metal and dragon type would get more Pokemon and Trainer cards to support them, but so far doesn't look like this will happen.

  • Shadowbrine1
    Shadowbrine1 Member Posts: 221 ✭✭✭
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    I can see it now a new counter to the mewtwo meta that uses arotactal it's so clear to me

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    They don't want to play their entire hand in the first expansion. I am sure other energy types and card types will feature in future expansions.

    As ever they are definitely looking to evoke nostalgia and appeal to the millennials with the Pokémon selection and aesthetics. This reminds me of the Jungle expansion (with a touch of Fossil).

  • Blockinlick
    Blockinlick Member Posts: 67
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    I don't care for what this Aerodactyl EX will mean for the meta

    You can't just "print a nerf" to all but one of the meta decks.

    We are already seeing that Pikachu EX is the most played in both casual and tournament settings.

    The fact that Nerfadactyl EX nerfs everything but Pikachu EX is only going to ensure more monotony.

    This feels like Hog Rider (Clash Royale) all over again. The developers see what the most popular thing is and nerf everything BUT that thing until that's all you see anymore.

    It sucks that the game isn't even two months old yet and they have already chosen what meta deck they are favoring to stale it out for everyone.

  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    Mew ex is the same in live… why couldn’t they just make it have different moves?

  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    They actually added Pigeot ex. OH MY GOSH.

  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    Aerodactl ex is probably going to be the best counter so far for Venusaur ex.

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
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    I expect the new MewEX to be a one-of in just about every deck from the current meta. This may force a switch in meta that ends up reducing Mew's play, but we will see.

    As for Aerodactyl, I don't think it will see as much play as people think. Sure it looks strong on paper, but most of the chunky Stage 2 pokemon you'd want to mitigate get built up on the bench anyway.

  • Blockinlick
    Blockinlick Member Posts: 67
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    Yes, they get built on the bench, but EVERY deck runs 2 Sabrina.

    The scenario where your charmeleon/kirlia/etc gets Sabrina'd off the bench is now a straight up loss.