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waking from sleep

im sure a bunch will disagree like always…. i think if i put an enemy to sleep Multiple times in one turn (two hypno's both flipping heads) then they should have to flip 2 heads to wake up. using logic this is 2 different pokemon putting a "spell" on an enemy but they can just disregard one of those enemies by flipping heads? i think that would be a fair setup since its still RNG for the inital sleep so its not a gurantee by any means that they will be stalled out the rest of the game, but using the deck spots for two hypnos which are generally used as bench support by me lowers the damage dealt. seems that enacting a turn to wake up for every sleep put on the pokemon would even that up.

cant wait for someone to say this would be a META deck then… while they run double mewtwo double gardevoir every battle 😉


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 50 Answers 250 Likes

    It's a delicate balancing act. If you make sleep too easy to wake up from, no one will use it and Pokémon with the ability become less useful as a result. Too difficult and it becomes overbearing and the dominant force in the meta.

    By its very nature, a status that stops you from using your Pokémon is going to be annoying for players.

    It is also worth considering that at the moment the game has only one set and a very shallow card pool. We may get items or other Pokémon abilities that help to counter sleep in the future, designed and balanced around the mechanic in its current form.

    All that said, RNG can be a very frustrating mechanic when the coins don't fall in your favour. A card game with a randomised deck has inherent variance, so that will always be part of the game, but many players (especially competitive players) are always going to try and mitigate its influence or ensure that the odds are in their favour. But given that players cannot influence coin flips or dice rolls beyond choosing not to use the mechanics, they are always going to be controversial.

    It may be worth considering making Pokémon easier to awaken the longer they are asleep, but I would err on the side of caution when it comes to changing fundamental mechanics.

    Change isn't always bad, and can often be a good thing when managed correctly, however much gamers may grumble. However, mechanics and balance are built atop one another, and changing one building block, particularly a foundational mechanic, can upset other things higher up the totem pole.

    tl;dr Worth considering, but be careful about how balance changes may adversely affect other parts of the game and its balance.