My level reset after level 100. What a joke.

I hit level 100 the other day, and my reward was 200 crystals. On top of that slap in the face, my level just RESET to level one, instead of hitting 101. Without asking or offering a prestige mode, like every other game would if it was going to reset.
I would have rather just stayed level 100. Or simply gone to level 101? I am super confused and off put by the situation. I'm currently level two again, just reflecting on how big of a joke it is.
This game client is just so unserious
You should be happy.… level up rewards used to be way worst… and the reset it's good, that way you will keep getting rewards, if it stoped at 100 the level up rewards would stop too.
Also nobody can view your level or cares about it and it doesn't have a single advantage so no one is losing sleep over the reset, it's just about getting some free rewards.
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Who said anything about rewards reseting?
What I said was when your level resets back you will get the rewards again for each time you level up.
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Wait wait wait wait. So you would rather have your level say 100 and remain stagnant than go back to level one and receive additional crystals every level? That doesn't make any sense! Okay, yes, maybe it should go up to 101 and give you the same rewards, but dude. YOU'RE GETTING MORE REWARDS. Why are you angry? Your ego is hurt because you can't gaze admirably upon that shining level 100 on your account? It's not that big a deal, man.
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It sounds really frustrating to have your progress reset after reaching level 100 in Pokémon TCG Live without any form of reward or a prestige system. It would be great if the game offered something more after hitting the max level like other games do. You might want to contact support or share your thoughts on the forums to suggest improvements. 😕
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Nonsence, I’m not trying to be right or wrong or rage lol I'm just stating facts.
Also @OlderAngel11 has been around for long and basically said the same I did.
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@Zhula no one is trolling you here, would you prefer to be capped at Level 100 with no extra rewards? or would you rather start from Level 1 back to 100, while collecting gems again each time you level up? I think the problem you have is you want it to say Level 101 which I don't disagree with, it should be that, but the Developers don't particularly care about the basic foundations of the game so unfortunately I can't see them caring for what people's level is. In fact if they did do something about it, the answer would be 'cap it at Level 100 and don't give out anymore rewards' which leaves you in one of those scenarios where it's 'be careful what you ask for'. After playing this game from day one of release I can definitely say, nothing would be done about it. We all want the game to be better