Not so random

Boss orders, everyone has this card in there decks. An energy retrievals an cpl other item cards that help you pull from discard pile. 90% of my matches im dealt these cards! I laugh to myself as soon as i see it. I usually have 1 or 2 of these cards in all my decks i build. Out of all the cards, these seem to be the ones i get to start a match with almost all the time. And ive also noticed alot of matches the one pokemon i get to start with will be like a greninja or pokemon i have only 1 of in my deck to help draw or spread damage. End annoyed rant..
@TechHog man how did i know you would be the first to comment something. Go somewhere else! You dont have to read or comment on anything i post, kick rocks an keep it moving. Techkaren.
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@TechNoise not saying devs are making a hand sculpting algorithm. But there is a search engine to draw cards an its suppose to be random. Tired of hearing the same old "bad rng" comments. Been playing this game a long time, an just notice things that seem to be not so random. And didnt say getting greninja was a bad thing either, not who id like to start with in the active spot though. Just saying theres only 1 of those cards.
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And yea! I made another post about this! Still aggravates me. Still notice these things happening.
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@TechHog its impossible to like your own post on this forum so there is no way @Perfect_Jab could have done that
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@TechHog your a 🤡 an you can comment on every post i make , i dont care. I just already know you will. Kind of what trolls, karens just do. An i can continue to post about the samethings over an over if i want.
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@TechHog 🤡🤡🤡 clown bro. I didnt say u couldnt. Also said i didnt care. Just that i knew you would be here trolling.