I wish there was a new Pokemon Link game.

Yes, "Link" is what I refer it to, because I'm a Brit so I don't call it "Trozei".
Anyways, Pokemon Link were cool puzzle games where you play on a board filled with Pokemon face icons, and you match three or more in a row to make them disappear, using the stylus. Although in the original DS game, it had to be four or more in order to clear them, not three. Speaking of this original game released in 2006, I don't like it as much as the 3DS sequel Link Battle, because it's more difficult to catch all the Pokemon and complete the Link List than what I expected it to be (Legendaries are especially impossible to even encounter, let alone get them), there's only Pokemon from the first three Gens (before D&P and others later got revealed, that is), the play style is not quite the same and is difficult to master because it's restricted to sliding columns and rows of Pokemon for matching rather than touch and drag a single face icon to any position you like, and the "Support Pokemon" feature wasn't included here, where you can take any unlocked Pokemon with you to use in any stage (1, 2 or 3, depending on how far you've progressed).
This is why I prefer Link Battle much better; it has Support Pokemon, it's a lot more easier and fun to play and progress throughout, and all Pokemon from across Gens 1-6 (with the exception of Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion) can be collected all by yourself, without the need to use communication features. With Support Pokemon, I even like using my most favourite Pokemon, such as Ampharos, Suicune or Absol, for instance. Also the face icons of Pokemon are more clearer and improved within Link Battle than what they were seen to be in the DS original, if that means something.
For Pokemon Shuffle… Nah, that's not as good either and it's unbalanced - it's a shame why it went in a "mobile" styled way, meaning that you can't get better all on your own, it requires you to spend items using real (yes "real") money, the hearts system limits your play sessions, and later on it gets very frustrating to defeat the more stronger Mega Pokemon foes (Glalie and Mawile, they're certainly notorious to deal with, even if you do use a type advantage against them). Why couldn't Shuffle follow suit after Link Battle, with real gaming, proper balance and straightforward enjoyment? :/
Last but not least, the main topic now - I would like it if a new Pokemon Link game was released, and to make it a true promising sequel to Link Battle with right balance, enjoyable game play and easy-to-collect rewards and all Pokemon yourself alone, but with all other new Pokemon from Gens 7-9 included as well, plus Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion who weren't around in Link Battle at all. I would like to play stages and collect Pokemon again as from Link Battle, and use Support Pokemon to take my favourite ones into the fray. Again, Link Battle was the best for me - it was a blast getting all Pokemon and completing every stage with "S" rank, that's why I finished that game 100% about three times in my entire life. Certainly better than the DS Link game and Shuffle for 3DS and mobile ports.
I'm not sure what suitable name a possible new Link game should be called if there was one to be revealed in the future ahead… How about "Pokemon Link Ultimate"? I say it because every known Pokemon from all Generations throughout history of old and new would be included, captured and useable. I think it'd be cool! :)
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I mean I would enjoy a new one but I’m still waiting for any spinoff at this point since we haven’t gotten a new one since 2023 and haven’t gotten a good one since 2021 so I would like a trozei since I never got the chance to play it but I’ve been also waiting for any new spinoff