The PTCGP Premium Pass is fair and square, good job. Don't make a pay to win pass.

The best app of the year, need to have the best in-game Monetization System (f2p friendly).
it would be pretty awesome if they did this, however you can already buy 500 gold per day or whatever it is so you can level up to 50 decently fast just from the pack experience which is sort of pay to win. Other games i play have a WAY worse split between big pay players and regular F2P or even the casual few bucks a week spender. this game SO FAR seems to take away the huge advantage for people with black cards :) what i like about this game is once you build a deck with all the cards you want, it evens up the play field and more comes down to chance draws and technique. i havent seen a specific advantage to being a higher level leader ( both players can play the same exact pokemon) if they started releasing some type of special pokemon that only big spenders could unlock then the competition would go to crap fast.
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P2W players don't have that big advantage you think... the only 2 significant thing are that they get the cards faster and have more cosmetics/prity cards.
But as a free player like me, it's just a matter of few weeks to catch up with them... I mean I'm playing for about 6 weeks (half of that was in pre-release without any special events) and I'm five cards away to finnish my collection, I have all the imersive cards and only missing a golden card.
Btw I know paying players that have way worst collection than mine lol
So comparing people spending thousands of dollars to get just couple of weeks or so ahead, and also have some pritty cosmetics... is that a huge broken advantage? No!
I would even argue that it's not very smart to spend a lot of money in this game unless you don't have anything better to do with your money, but I say: thank you! to all the spenders they keep the game running thank you a lot and keep spending money (if you can of course).
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as the game progresses then it will absolutely even out as F2P players will get the cards that the spenders got early. i also am 95% to a complete deck missing the gold crown pika and charizard. I find more advantage to the spenders early on having complete built out decks with every card and support card to make it the best possible. i personally haven't had an issue with this and was more agreeing with how the game has been set up this far. i really don't see a big advantage long term for spenders with the current set up of the game which is cool. The problem ive seen over and over in other games is that the APP is a business plain and simple, they want to make money. so they will inevitably do something to cater to spenders or they will stop spending and the profits will tank. ive played other games that start even and as time goes on they will add more and more for big spenders after those spenders send the devs messages over and over saying if they add this or that then they would spend a lot more.. from a pure business perspective one will usually put priority on there biggest ROI customers. We shall see how the DEVS handle this game. HOPEFULLY they will have gameplay and the Pokémon community as a priority for their changes. we can hope
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$10 a month is kinda crazy imo
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Lol bro is about to get flamed for this post.