add a chat!

I'm not sure why we cant have an active chat when we battle someone. There have been times that i want to congratulate someone on a good strategy or maybe complain to them how broken the coin flipping system is after i manage to flip tails 5 attack turns in a row, lol. allowing us to communicate would bring the community together and allow us to have more personality instead of just being "X" level with these emblems… i want to actually know the people i add to my friends list!
I was just gonna make a post about how lonely a game this is.
For being a social 1v1 TCG in real life, this doesn’t really feel like that.
You can barely communicate with each other, there’s no easy way to add friends without remembering their screen name. No way to share deck builds or collection. Not even any sort of leaderboards or community in game
It barely feels like you’re playing another person.
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Hi, @GRussek! Welcome to the Pokémon Community!
The "chat" feature may be bad, too — a small part of people may abuse it to send spam emojis and/or bad sentences. If the developers still want to add the "chat" feature anyway, I think that they should add the "quick chat" feature instead of "free chat".
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It's a child-focused franchise. They aren't going to let randos on the internet talk to them.
And even if you did find a way to ensure that only adults could use it, it would still be used primarily to trade abuse and insults rather than compliments. It would need to be heavily moderated and necessitate a report function.
No one involved will deem it worth the hassle.
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i can understand that point. my view is that this takes electronics to download so they "should" be a certain age. also they could have the option in profile for under 18 or over 18 player to separate them. over 18 cant talk to under 18..
like anotheravenue commented- it makes the game so so boring and impersonal. specially once the event is finished for the player it just becomes random matches with no dialogue over and over. seems like it takes the "community" aspect out of the game. also how can players in the future discuss a trade (if that will actually be a part of the game)? do they have to be friends outside of the game and text each other to trade? just seems like there are a few holes for the potential of this game..
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Implementing a system like that not only would be more work than it's actually worth, but it would need to be able to actually verify age and identity in order to be safe.
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I personally liked the trash talking lobbies and edgy forums of a couple of decades ago. It was fun in its own way; like a verbal mosh pit.
But that environment isn't for everyone. And certainly not for young children.
Don't kid yourself about electronics access. Toddlers have iPads these days. Whether that is a good thing or good parenting is besides the point. It happens. And Nintendo aren't going to risk opening themselves up to a lawsuits when someone's little darling talks to a host of bad actors on the internet.
It's sad. But it's the state of the world and the web.
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There are plenty of safe solutions. Customizable canned chat phrases or selectable magnetic poetry type system. More diverse, selectable, emotes. Triggerable particle animations and/or sounds.
People could be added as friends without direct access to contacting them. Pokemon TCG Pocket does it already. Pokemon Snap lets you share and rate pics with the community and it doesn’t allow direct contact. Pocket allows sharing of binders and cards.Heck you can pick your opening and closing phrases, and choose canned emojis in Live already. The features are 75% coded, people are just asking for more expression in a game thats inherently social.
Honestly it just sounds like you’re making excuses for Live’s poor implementations.
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I don't think @TheJeffers is making excuses for Live’s poor implementations… it's not all good people around and you know that.
There are people pretending to be friends with bad intentions and many kids are easly taken advantage from… TCG Live guys don't want their game to be a platform where that kind of stuff can happen. Not only that, parents feel safer letting their kids play knowing the game interaction limitations.
Imagine something bad happens and it all started in this game, that would be really bad for them. So I understand why they choose to not have a chat feature.
Sharing other stuff like decks it's a completely different story… I would like to be able to view my opponent deck at the end of a match like TCG online did.
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Live is repleat with issues. It's something I regularly criticise, along with the video games.
Unrestricted chat is a huge liability as far as child safety is concerned. Even a heavily moderated and monitored one is going to let people slip through the cracks.
When you get to the point of using set phrases, I start to feel you might as well have not bothered at all.
Used normally, all you are going to get is generic "let's have a good match" and "thank you for the game" platitudes at the start and end of a game.
More likely, people will spam phrases like "good game", "better luck next time" or "easy" throughout the match to taunt opponents.
Pokémon doesn't want the liability and potential reputation hit of allowing children on an actual chat, and set phrases limit communication so severely to the point I feel they needn't have bothered.