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My thoughts and ideas on changes for a future update on Pokemon TCG Pocket

1st: Change the number of packs we earn between free and Premium Passes. Free players should get three packs a day, one every eight hours. While having a Premium Pass should grant an extra two packs each day, one every twelve hours.

2nd: Wonder Pick Stamina should recover a bit faster than it currently does, not a whole lot of course, but i do feel it could use a 15-25% speed boost.

3rd: The cost of Special Series Accessories is way too high. I've been playing this game for for a few weeks now, and i almost have enough Tickets for just one Special Ticket. But if i want to unlock the cheapest item there, I'm gonna need seven Special Tickets. Unless the devs plan on giving out lots of Tickets in the future, It's likely gonna be a year or two before i unlock the full set. And it honestly feels smarter to spend my tickets on the normal accessories anyway.

4th: You should be allowed to attach an Energy from your Energy Zone when going first in battle, but you shouldn't be able to attack on the first turn in battle. Example, someone playing the Misty Supporter card to attach four Water Energy on their first turn onto Articuno EX and knocking out the one and only Pokemon i had in my opening hand before i had a chance to do anything with them. (No I'm not salty at all, you must be imagining things.)

5th: You should only be allowed to use a single copy of each Pokemon EX card in your deck. Example, no more than a single copy of Moltress EX in your deck, no more than a single copy of Articuno EX in your deck, etc.

6th: Omastar's Ancient Whirlpool attack should prevent your opponents Pokemon from retreating, rather than prevent them from attacking.

7th: The deck size should be increased to 30, up from 20.

8th: Penguin Pokemon (Piplup and it's evolutions preferred) in the next set of booster packs, please and thank you.



  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    Since EX is very rare to come by in packs, duplicates should be allowed for deck strategies, but if it’s mewtwo EXes, then only one should be allowed.

    It’s such a pain to be crushed by the common, unimaginative deck.

    If deck size should be increased, then the point requirement to win should be four points, not three.
    I just wish they could put more
    foreign language cards in Wonder Picks (I’m a collector) and I don’t have an issue with the recharge limit on that, but you should also be able to put custom amounts of Pack Hourglasses to reduce by one hour, like in wonder picks.

    Why didn’t they think of that?

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited November 2024 #3

    1st: No, as a free player I almost finished all the card collection in about 6 weeks.

    2nd: Instead of that I would like a way to spend more stamina (5 stamina or even add a 6th stamina) that would allow to pick 2 out of 5 cards.

    3rd: Needs to be that way so people spend real money on it.

    4th: No need to change, going 1st or 2nd it's balanced (you need to try new decks and new strategies you will see it's fine as it is).

    5th: No, 2 copies it's great. What could be done instead would be add a new singleton game mode, that I would like.

    6th: You can't just change a card to fit what you like… thats their job and they will never change that.

    7th: No, that would be bad in so many levels (there's too much to explain why, I would need a separate thread fot that).

    8th: Sure why not.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    For points 1 and 2, I think that is unlikely to change. In fact, I think it is more likely thst they will become less frequent to encourage more people to subscribe to the premium pass and pay for refills. It is possible that they will add a more expensive pass tier.

    With regards to your third point, many things are premium and desirable because they are rare and hard to obtain. However good you think the special series looks, you know the amount of effort (or money) it took to unlock them if you saw someone using them. They become a status symbol.

    That said, I think a lot of the prices are absurdly high. It is possible they might tweak the prices or add other ways to unlock them in the future.

    For your fourth point, balancing the first turn advantage is a pervasive problem in many games. Even in chess white has a slight advantage. For this game, they seem to have overcompensated to such a degree that going second seems more desirable.

    I don't know what else you could really do, though. I think letting players attach energy on the first turn would revert the advantage back to the first turn player. Not letting that player draw for turn, maybe?

    On your sixth point I actually agree. ex, V-Max, etc. have all been absurd power creep and often make basic Pokémon more desirable than evolved Pokémon. Limiting them to one per deck would reduce their consistency and encourage players to rely more on regular Pokémon.

    I doubt they would do that, though. In the physical TCG ex cards are very desirable and do not have such a limit. I think they want to match the TCG rules as much as possible, and requiring multiple copies of a card per deck encourages people to open more packs.

    I don't think increasing the deck size is a good idea. Eventually you just turn the game into the regular TCG. Smaller decks (alongside a smaller bench and a consistent, endless energy source) are the game's unique selling points.

    I wouldn't object to events that let you play with larger decks. Events offer lots of possibilities for playing with tweaked rule sets. You could have singleton deck events. No Supporter card events. No ex card events. And so forth...

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,527 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    for 3 you guys are over complicating it you just need to get 3 of the same immersive art and trade one in for 12 of those special tickets which can get you anything except the playmat which cost 26 so far I have 2 imersive art pikachus and I’m trying to get a third so I can trade it in for 12 tickets and get those black sleeves which I really want

  • BradThatGuy
    BradThatGuy Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    1st: The pack opening system is fine as is. Within 5 days I had 4 Mewtwo ex's. All 3 different variations, that's a lot of opening for free to get that.

    2nd: Wonder pick is fine timing wise because they need people to spend money. If they could decrease the cost though by allowing us to unpick the rarest card that would be awesome. I don't want to spend 3 points trying to get my first Geodude because there is a full art Porygon, I have 3 already.

    3rd: Special accessories are ridiculously expensive. Even with spending money you have to spend a TON just for a shiny coin. Pass

    4th: I agree. Going first allows you to show off your entire active and bench, no energy no attacking, no point in using a red card if you have it (your opponent only has 3 cards, why would you do that). Second let's you not only get the first energy, attack first, Sabrina out their line up, but also red card your opponent who now probably has a huge hand because they used proffesor oak and PokeBall items. I don't know how it would change the game but something needs to change. Going first decreases your winning plain and simple.

    5th: I somewhat agree, on one hand there are non ex versions of every ex pokemon so having just one doesn't cramp the two "basic" two "stage 1" (even two "stage 2") meta. On the other hand most players can have two ex's so not like you're at a disadvantage because of it. It would be interesting to see how that might change up decks.

    6th: I agree with the second post. No need to change something because you don't like it. Besides Arboc already has that ability. Every other pokemon that stops players from attacking (sleep, paralyze, dig (kind of)) makes you flip for it. So it's unique to them.

    7th: I literally landed on this post because I searched if they were going to change the deck size. I don't know to what number but I agree with you. If they allowed 30 cards and 3 items (trainers excluded) each deck, I think it would be a ton more fun. I so want to build decks with pokemon that synergize with each other but this 20 limit, (and the kinda forced two two meta mentioned earlier), only allows like two different Pokemon (and their evolutions) per deck. Yes I know I don't have to do the two two meta but it's kinda forced. First out the gate to get big damage almost always wins unless you're a using grass deck with Erika. Can't do that with only 1 line of evolutions in your deck. 30 cards allows that. Imagine a liligant feeding your Venusaur energy while a Butterfree heals on the bench. Good luck doing that with 20 cards. (There are plenty other examples this is just getting long)

    8th: Not before my Aron evolution line lol. Seriously though, I know they are focusing on the original Pokemon more so first (so the energy should match those), but there's a lack in steel Pokemon. I'd rather steel not be introduced at all until you can actually have more variety.

    Side note: alot of dissecting and debate going on but I do love the game. For what it is right now I am extremely happy, and like everything it needs time to grow and change, buffs and nerfs. It's never perfect out of the gate. I think whoever worked on this game should feel extremely proud. I stopped playing Pokemon and collecting cards after all the crazy giga max and this and that rules, just way too much. This game makes me feel like a kid again opening up a base set pack that I bought for $4 with my allowance. Rules are simple enough and the Pokemon aren't excessive while still bringing in multiple generations. Great job!!! 10/10

  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    and I'm just about to use that common, unimaginative deck ☹️

    Y’all happy now?

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,415 ✭✭✭✭
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    edited November 2024 #8

    Who are you asking? The majority of players(readers) are playing too. They want you to use decks that are fun to play against. Maybe some people, even, only care about winning against you so what better way then for you not to run that deck.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,527 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    as time goes on there is probably going to be more decks when they release more cards but more cards also means more room for creativity to think for countering the meta decks for they will probably make cards to counter a deck if it gets too powerful

  • Fern
    Fern Unconfirmed Posts: 3
    Name Dropper First Comment

    All decks are good decks! As long as you're having fun, that is what really matters. 🤗

    My favorite decks to play with are my dark and dragon/colorless. Do you have a favorite deck to play with?

  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    Dark is one of my favourite decks of all time. It has no ex, which means no risks, and beats Mewtwo ex and gardevoir easily, actually.