Competitive builds

Do you guys have any Ideas to make my team better?
So far I have
Shiny Alolan Muk
Shiny Incineroar
Shiny Blastoise
Shiny Galarian Slowbro
what is this in?
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if it’s for casual it’s fine
if competitive mythicals are banned I’m pretty sure legendaries are banned in the current format if that is the case try to find 2 pokemon that are not restricted (mythical legendary paradox) to add to the team and watch some competitive videos
Though I haven’t really been up to date with competitive that much since I’ve recently introduced my brother to the mystery dungeon franchise
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Out of these pokemon and for the current format Incineroar is the most useful(hopefully intimidate). You should research teams that have Incineroar on them. I would recommend learning how to use rental teams to start. Using rental teams is a great start because they are functional teams and require none of your resources. So if you don't like it then it cost you nothing. Just remember for competition to build your own version of the team you are decided to use. Also lists top teams from recent tournaments. You can't get a rental from there but it's some research you can do.
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It has intimidate
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The Muk and Kyogre are Tera Captains