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Is it possible to only add the most used bw/xy-era cards to the game?

I guess adding all bw/xy cards is impractical and most of them probably would never get used. However, several most used trainer cards is alr in game in ace spec form and should be quite easy to implement. VS Seeker/Battle Compressor is just Miracle Headset/Brilliant Blender with numbers changed, Hypnotoxic Laser is very similiar to Dangerous Laser, Computer Search is just Red's Challenge in item form etc.

Just adding VS Seeker and Battle Compressor is alr enough to completely change the format and enable tons of archetypes and the only thing required is tweaking the numbers in two alr existed items.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Is it possible? certainly... Will they do that? No.

    They have already shown that Expanded isn't a priority, just look at the latest update and where they are investing their resources/time on...

    They are basically investing on stuff that incentivise players to be more commited to play and stay longer time playing the game.

    The most obvious it's the Ranked Ladder big new reset, it makes players play more then a couple of games to finnish the daily quests, now most players will try to get to Arceus (because it's not about skill it just benefits those who play a lot). And the longer Battle Pass also makes sure that you need to play more because a lot of the best rewards are at the end (in contrast with the previous one that had all the sigificant stuff before tier 16).

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It's not longer. There are literally people who have completed it already.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    So did my grandma, doesn't mean it's not longer...

    The Battle Pass combined with Ranked Ladder changes, like I said are to incentivise people to play more instead of just a couple of daily games to finnish the daily quests... this is just the beginning of their "plan"...

    The ones that finnished it like her, played a lot of games... that’s their goal (they are also monitoring overall players commitment, inferred from their announcement) and soon they will add more stuff to make players even more commited, you will see.

    Just pay closer attention to what they said:

    "...an upcoming system will be implemented for the most dedicated Trainers..."

    Trust me, their goal is to keep players more invested... not saying it's a bad thing but that’s what's going on… and you probably already figured out why are they doing this just now…