Misty = Pain

I have gotten tails on the first one twice in one game before than a different game I got 7 heads with 1 misty card when I only needed 4 for my gyrados
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Gyrados is good and all it's just rng is bad most of the time
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She can be amazingly broken and also the most frustrating card in-game… lol
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Misty when my opponent uses it: Heads. Heads for days. Head city. More heads than the Tower of London. Why can't I hold all these heads?
Misty when I use it: Tails. Have a nice day.
I somewhat jest, of course. There are plenty of cases where I got a lot of energy and my opponent whiffed, but it feels like it favours the opponent.
And it is so swingy. The coin flip can be the difference between an easy victory you patiently built up and your opponent going from losing to one shoting every Pokémon out of no where.
I know this game is focused on a casual audience, but I don't think they enjoy the Misty blindside either.
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If you see it you see it.
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It’s funny that everyone feels the same way, at a more loss than win with her. Which would disprove the claim. :,)
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Humans tend to remember negative experiences more than positive ones.