Favorite Pokemon YouTubers?

I am curious what your favorite Pokemon YouTubers are. My favorite is Pm7.
Tricky Gym
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Good choice. I watch them too. Mandjtv partners up with pm7 alot
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TrustYourPilotTCG is the MVP! fun jokes and very informative. Will never forget the video on how to scan code cards using feet lol
*I had already reply on the wrong thread so had to reply again here in the correct one…
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I don't really watch Pokémon YouTube that much anymore, now the only Pokémon stuff I watch often is Pokémon Masters EX datamines and MandJTV's meme reviews. I'll probably watch a lot more Pokémon stuff when we get something new about Z-A though.
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I am only subscribed to about 10 you tubers in total, and 8 are poketubers.
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Wow Mandjtv is more popular that I thought. Did his channel MandjtvPLays hit one million subs yet? Pm7 just got one million subs recently.