My Dream Team in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Paldea: Fuecoco, Pawmi, Greavard, Paldean Wooper, Girafarig(which would evolve into Farigiraf) and Frigibax
Kitakami: Skeledirge, Farigiraf, Vulpix( Kanto), Sandshrew (Kanto), Mandibuzz and Ursaluna( Bloodmoon Forms)
BlueBarry Academy: Skeledirge, Ursaluna (Bloodmoon Forms), Ninetales( Alola forms), Blitze, Lapras and Duraludon
My dream team is whatever team I'm currently using. I find it hard to think one team is better than the other. But I like using different Pokémon that I don't use often because using only a specific set of Pokémon every time sounds boring. There are a few Pokémon I need to have in my team at least once every time I play the game though, like the Fletchling line and Scatterbug line, and there are Pokémon I just need in my team and will never remove like Delphox and Ogerpon.
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Mine is basically all the legendaries just sitting in my boxes. They are all used for different occasions. Especially raids.
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Why is that wrong. Depending on who I am battling, I have a different team, and I use many varieties for raids.
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I use other Pokemon like cetitan, iron hands, ceruledge, galarian Slowbro, and many more
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How did I forget to mention my shiny Iron Valiant in my comment here