Mystery dungeon story part 1 rewrite

Leo just got home from a bright and sunny day. When Leo opened the door Skitty was waiting for him, being as playful as she usually is.
Leo's grandma then caught notice of Leo, "Leo how was your day today? What exciting adventure did you go on today?"
"Well Grandma, these 3 trainers said that my wishes will come true if I bury 1000 poke under the big tree in the park. Now I believe that my biggest wish will come true."
"Leo I'm really worried about you, I don't want someone to take advantage of you. You are my grandchild after all. If you like you can tell me your wish and I will try my best to make it come true."
"Thanks grandma! I know that this might be a silly thing to wish for, but I wish for a friend."
"Leo, friends aren't something you can just wish for, true friends at the least. Leo? Do you want to be tucked into bed?"
"Grandma, I would love that!"
Leo jumped into bed, his grandma tucked him in. Leo tried finding the perfect position to fall asleep to, when he did he fell right asleep. When Leo awakes he is in a strange place, a void of ever changing colors. Out in the distance Leo hears a voice, an unrecognizable but powerful voice.
"Leo I am here to ask you some question. For this world you are about to enter is vast and I need to know if your the one." this mysterious voice said
"Yes I will answer your questions. But what do you mean by "the one"?"
"I am the voice of life, you are one of several humans I am considering to bring to this world, most of them will wake up and regard this as a weird dream, though one will be sent to protect this world."
"What if I am chosen? What will happen then?"
"That's a very simple question to answer, you will lose all memory of the human world except your name and that you were a human. You will also forget majority of this conversation."
"So are you going to ask me some questions?"
"Oh, yes. If there was a dangerous swamp with a treasure in the middle of it what would you do? "
"Easy!" Leo remarked "I would go straight for the treasure."
"Next question. If a suspicious person offered you candy would you take it?"
"Yes! What does suspicious mean?" Leo responded.
After many more questions were asked, Leo reciting answers for each one. The voice sighed "Final question. If the world was about to end in 5 seconds, what would you do?"
"Wait so are you saying I am dead!" Leo was astonished by that question.
The voice then murmured, "Why did it have to be him." the voice then took a breath and continued "You are the naive type, you are quick to trust others, and often overlook things. You take everything you hear as fact, making you easy to take advantage of."
Leo wanted to argue with this, yet when he tried nothing came out of his mouth. His brain started to get foggy, his conscious fading away. When Leo regained conscious, he was in an unfamiliar place, A strange opening in a forest. Leo still felt very weak, and also very thirsty. Leo looked all around for any water source. After a little bit of wondering Leo stumbled upon a lake, Its clear blue water so clear that he could see a Chikorita… ("Wait a Chikorita? Shouldn't that be my reflection."). Leo was panicking one second he was a human, then next a Chikorita. Out of shock Leo started to scream that stretched across the forest. Footsteps were heard bushes shaking all of a sudden he was pinned to the floor a mysterious figure looming over him.
"What have you done to that screaming pokemon you villain?!" The strangers claws were digging into Leo's skin.
Leo out of pure desperation barely was able to gasp. "I was the one whom screamed." The strange figure got off of him, he now was able to identify this figure since his face wasn't squished to the floor. The figure was a Hisuian Zorua, he didn't know how he recognized it, but he did.
All of a sudden the Hisuian Zorua started speaking. "Sorry for accusing you, I heard a scream and thought I should investigate. I can take you back to Breeze Town, though to be able to get back, we have to go through a mystery dungeon, they are pretty dangerous, but I know how to explore them easily.
"Thank you." Leo said to the Hisuian Zorua.
Meanwhile in the human world
"LEO! LEO! WHERE ARE YOU!" Jane was searching for her grandson everywhere. When she finally checked Leo's room, a few blue specks where on his bed. She knew what had happened, she took a deep breath and kneeled by the bed. "Say hi to Tommy would you Leo?". She knew the world all to well which Leo had entered.
This one was really cool, your improvement is easy to notice.
I really liked the last part of the chapter.