Out of these pokemon, who is the best?

Out of these pokemon, who is the best? 11 votes
Why do people keep posting these polls with such random selections of Pokémon?
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Only 3 people, including me, chose Fennekin?
I should really make another post about how poorly TPC/GF and the fanbase treat Delphox again and how it's a good Pokémon that is unfairly overhated. I haven't made one of those posts in a while, but I don't want to dedicate another 1 or 2 hours of my life to write another version of something I have written so many times before.
(Small note: I don't mind people not having Delphox as their favourite or not liking it or thinking Greninja is better, everyone likes different things and I think that's pretty cool and respect it. What I don't like is when people have a weird level of hatred for it or are hypocritical when discussing why they dislike it, so I try my best to spread the knowledge that Delphox is a pretty cool Pokémon when you're not saying it should just be a bigger Braixen or focusing on the things you dislike.)