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Tips on the basic starter decks for 'brand new' player

Verriand Member Posts: 1

Howdy everyone!

I played a little bit of the TCG ages ago and remember having fun. I recently started looking at the TCG again and felt like trying it once more! From a little card pack I got linked to TCG Live and felt like trying out some matches to get a feel for the game again.

I've been using some of the starter decks the game provides to learn more about all these new Tools, Supports and fun new pokemon, but I just can't seem to get anywhere in a match. I work on my little setups, feeding my monsters energy cards and trying to use useful items on them. Trying to keep an active bench and using items to draw items and energies as I need them.

I know I have some of these super powerful pokemon in my deck like EX versions, but it feels like my opponents have theirs ready faster and can start sweeping me as soon as turn 3 sometimes.

So, I would like to ask for some basic tips about using some of the basic decks the game provides. Is there any deck that might be easier for 'new player' to start with? I'm used to a more bare version of the TCG from a long time ago and I'm having trouble adjusting to all the new powers and trainer cards. I've been using the Arcanine EX deck for a little and the Luiga EX one.

Thank you in advanced!
