What will happen if you receive and use a hacked pokemon?

I just got a hacked shiny umbreon not too long ago and I really like him, but I’m considering releasing him anyways. Will my data be deleted if I keep him or something? I’ve received quite a few hacked pokemon through surprise trades, so if I don’t use them, can I keep them or something? Or release them anyways?
I do not believe you will be penalised simply for owning a hacked Pokémon, provided you were not the one who created it and you did not modify your own game to do it.
You might not be able to upload it to Pokémon Home if its stats, ability or movesets are impossible or it is otherwise detected as having been manipulated with an external program.
Similarly if you try to enter an official event using a modified Pokémon you may be disqualified from that event and future events.
Those are the rules as I understand them. They may have changed or I might not be aware of certain policies, so do not take my word for it. Contact support if you want more information from an official source.
But honestly the trading system is full of hacked Pokémon and you risk receiving one through wonder trades, so it would be unreasonable for them to ban everyone who ever received a hacked Pokémon. No one who traded online would last long under those rules.
Keep it if you want, but do not upload it onto Home or use it in official events would be my advice.
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Regardless of which game it is, as long as you don't use it online or put it in HOME/Bank it should be fine. You can use it in in-game battles and play with it, it won't delete or corrupt your game just by existing. And if you are asking if you'll get banned for using it you only get banned if you use it in online battles or tournaments.
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Simply owning one from a trade will be fine, using it in online battles or uploading it to Pokemon Home is what'll get you in trouble.
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okay, thank you!
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definite ban from official competitions if you use it.
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@UnovanZorua I used a hacked shiny regigigas online in swsh and I never got banned!