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Aggressive Attitudes Among TCG Players

TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭✭✭
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I come in peace. I am not accusing or attacking anyone. I just want to engage in a hopefully productive discussion about common behaviours I have observed in TCG communities. And specific behaviour on this forum.

I do not think it is unique to TCGs. In all forms of competition (sports, e-sports, tabletop games, etc.) people work hard to hone their skills and are eager to demonstrate their proficiency. Alongside the work and time investment there is a considerable emotional investment. People are elated when they win, so correspondingly they can be very upset or angry when they lose or if a game does not go the way they would like.

It is certainly not unique to the Pokémon TCG. I will admit I have more exposure to other TCGs, like Yugioh and Magic, than Pokémon, and the majority of my competitive exposure to Pokémon (albeit limited) has been in Japan where people are more civil and restrained in their conduct generally, for better or worse.

And interestingly it is not the younger audience that seems to drive this problem. In Magic, the high price of entry, complexity and age of the game itself seems to attract a primarily older adult audience, yet it also seems to exemplify some of the most aggressive, vitriolic and ironically childish conduct I have seen in a TCG community.

Not particularly scientific and very anecdotal. But this is the sense I get from having interacted with all of these communities, both in real life in my native UK and in Japan, and now online where most modern discourse primarily resides.

English language discourse online I would assume to be primarily composed of Americans, but toxicity is certainly not exclusive to Americans. I am not suggesting that Americans are inherently toxic (indeed most of the Americans I interact with in other contexts are perfectly friendly and civil, and count many friends among them) but would maybe postulate that something about American discourse may allow toxic elements to thrive.

Or maybe it is nothing to do with national cultures at all. A red herring or minor contributing factor at most.

Perhaps the internet and its culture, offering anonymous interactions completely divorced from the expectations of civility and sportsmanship expected from real life interpersonal interactions with a physical human being, has bled over into real life and reduced the decorum of TCG communities in real life, too.

It's harder to attack someone when they have a human face sitting across from you.

Whatever the reasons for it, though I don't regularly post here myself, I observe a lot of squabbling, vitriol and personal attacks on this forum more so than any other on this site.

People are insulted for the decks they use, accused of being entirely ignorant of the game and elicit a great deal of aggression from others for daring to question their perspective on things.

I would like to know why that is (without pointing fingers at specific individuals) and hopefully find our way to a more civil and welcoming environment on this forum.

We all have our favourite decks, we all have strong opinions about what the game does and does not need, we all get frustrated or annoyed sometimes by the game, the client, or a myriad of other factors relating to (or even outside) the game.

But surely we can come to a place where we can tolerate others thoughts and opinions, even if we disagree with them.

If you have taken the time to read through this post, thank you for your consideration. I would be very interested to hear your thoughts.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Giving the current would state we live in I don't think this forum is toxic at all, actually taking in consideration how frustating bad TCG Live app is, people here are pritty calm and helpful... even with barely any kind of serius moderation or bans... there are some exceptions sure but not significant.

    When I think toxic what comes to mind is Twitter, Reddit, YouTube comments, and more... not this forum for sure.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It is something that I notice in general in all areas of the internet with regard to TCG players. I am not claiming that this forum is worse than other websites.

    But when I do visit this forum, it is more likely that people are bickering in one of the top threads than on other forums on the site.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Since you posted in the TCG Live area I assume you are talking about the digital game players. This people have to and should complain, TCG Live was a disappointment and worst then its old antecessor in many ways… like missing Theme Decks format, missing full Expanded format, Legacy/ Unlimited formats totally gone including those older cards, missing vs Computer mode, no trade system (this can argued, but still a missing feature), no card library, slow and buggy game play, overall not an immersive Pokemon experience, released with an insane amount of bugs, poor support, horrible avatars, 2.6 rating mobile app (one of the worst ratings out there taking in consideration the large player base), phone overheat/raid battery drain, etc.

    I could go on, but complaining about things that are broken and missing it's not toxic as I see it, for what I see mostly people get frustrated with game missing stuff, bugs and other game related issues… like people have been asking for a way to mute the annoying avatar spam actions since beta stage and still nothing or the bad match paring system, etc. it's just too many issues.

    Only few times the arguing gets to a personal level or abusive language (that's what's toxic) but I don't see it that frequently tho. I really don't think this forum is toxic at all, and from my experience even in general the TCG players community it's pretty friendly online or physical... specially if you compare it with similar games.

  • Perfect_Jab
    Perfect_Jab Member Posts: 83 ✭✭
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    @TheJeffers bro…you go way to deep into it. Its a mobile game an it has its issues. Theres always going to trolls that just like to comment an be toxic. You know exactly why that is too, you even said it yourself. They can talk and say what they want with no fear of repercussions. And sometimes people will read comments an messages as negative an sometimes it might not be the case. You seem to be someone thats smart an intellectual but lacks some common sense. NOW, im not being toxic or trying to attack you or put you down. Just having a conversation an its just my opinion. But i see you on the forums an you get way to deep into things. You answer your own questions in your comments.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I am not talking about criticism of the game or the application. There are plenty of issues with it. They really need to stop dragging their feet and provide better functionality.

    I constantly criticise media and the companies that produce them. I am constantly exasperated by dismissive phrases like "no one hates X like X fans" or "just let people have fun" or "it's just a game" or "you're just a hater/toxic/a troll/etc." whenever I highlight or discuss these matters for this and other franchises.

    Every product or artistic work is worthy of criticism. Praise gets a free pass but negative comments, however polite and reasonable, are often unfairly labelled "toxic, hateful, etc.".

    That is not to say that we should have a free license to abuse and harass developers and company employees, but criticism of the product itself: go nuts, as far as I am concerned.

    No, what I am highlighting is interactions between players. Situations where people get upset with certain types of decks, card interactions or other individual players.

    As I said, people are very emotionally invested in games, particularly card games it seems, and I would like to see if we can lower the temperature and take a slightly more empathetic and accommodating approach when discussing these things on the forum.

    I made this thread partly to solicit suggestions on how to encourage that, and partly to make an appeal for posters to make a conscious effort to be a bit more courteous and considerate in their posts.

    It's a game. We play for fun. It is supposed to be a leisure activity. We all get tilted from time to time. We all make mistakes. We aren't perfect. We were all new players once, making slow or stupid plays.

    And we all have our pet peeves, be they individual cards, decks or archetypes, or types of players. Unfortunately other players may love those things, but we still need to get along.

    I don't think getting angry or snarky at each other on an internet forum will improve much of anything.

    But i see you on the forums an you get way to deep into things. You answer your own questions in your comments.

    I do not necessarily have the definitive answers to everything. But I will suggest potential answers in my posts as possible explanations or solutions to promote further discussion or see if people agree with my assessments.

    I want to encourage people to think about topics and provide their own ideas, and I offer my own thoughts to promote that.

  • mthverse
    mthverse Member Posts: 34
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    Stop hindering your opponents with cards like Pokemon League Headquarters, Mimikyu, TM Devolution and they won't want to h$t you in the face with a baseball bat. Focus on strengthening your decks instead of stopping your opponent from playing. It's that mind frame that killed Yugioh and induces the most aggressive attitudes (in my opinion). I can handle losing games even if they are one sided. I can't handle losing or wasting time in a game that's decided in the first turn.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It is a common thing across multiple games that some strategies and mechanics are considered acceptable while others are considered cheap and not in the spirit of things.

    In card games, this can be as extreme as viewing anything other than winning "the proper way" (knocking out each Pokémon to take all prize cards in Pokémon TCG, and things like reducing life points to zero or destroying all shield cards in other TCGs) as a kind of cheating. Mill and stall strategies are are among those commonly subjected to this attitude.

    Individual cards can even be viewed this way, even if they accomplish the same thing as "fair" cards. An example from Magic would be using a counterspell to counter a creature being viewed as cheap where killspell is considered fair game.

    Now again, we are only human. Everyone gets tilted sometimes. A defeat can rub you the wrong way or a play can frustrate you. It happens. You are allowed to dislike certain strategies. I am not trying to take that away from you, nor do I have the capacity.

    But these mechanics are all legal in the game. If a player chooses to use them in a competitive setting, whether they think it gives them the best chance of winning or because they simply fnd it fun, what right have we to deny them? They are not breaking any rules.

    I think the ire should be directed at the game designers rather than the players using legal strategies.

    If you think it is unfair or unfun, plead your case to the developers and petition them to remove the problem cards and avoid such strategies in future.

    But be careful. Sometimes things exist for a reason, even if you do not understand or appreciate them.

    Are you familiar with Chesterton's fence? If not, to be brief, the concept is not to tear down a fence if you cannot explain why it might have been erected in the first place. Only once you understand the reason for its existence can you be considered informed enough to make a wise decision in removing it.

    In the same way, certain cards or deck archetypes often exist for a reason.

    Part of the problem with Pokémon TCG specifically is that the cards are designed for the Japanese version of the game, which is best-of-one 25 minute rounds. A draw counts as a loss, so stall or slow strategies make little sense and are discouraged by the tournament rules.

    That format does need still need stall cards to prevent aggro strategies running roughshod over everything else.

    The problem is that in the western game, the rounds are longer and best of 3 in paper. In that environment, jamming all the stall cards together to make a slower deck is more viable. And if something is viable in paper, it ends up on digital clients, too.

    And again, you may think you will be happy if the strategies that annoy you now were all banned from the game, but it may have been holding back some other broken strategy that may be even more frustrating. Do we ban that, too? And the next one? How do we know when the game is the correct speed and fairness?

    So these matters are more nuanced and the balance more delicate than can be fixed by a bunch of bans. But don't hate the players for using legal strategies. Critique the game. Bash the deck, not the pilot. I think it will actually accomplish more than the people who come on the internet to whine about the "brainless meta-sheep" who play "no effort, free win decks".

  • Perfect_Jab
    Perfect_Jab Member Posts: 83 ✭✭
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    @TheJeffers I understand what you are saying and trying to say. Just from reading your post i can see that you are well educated an what i was saying is that some things you dont need to over analyze. Most of the time it is the obvious reasons that you say. People get invested and dont like to lose, some of it could be because of how some younger generations are brought up an never experience really losing at something. Others cant handle it an can be sore losers. Or if the game isnt played the way they feel it should be played, then its wrong or unfair. And the online trolling an antagonists just like to say toxic things an talk nasty to each other because they dont have anything to fear from the other people since they are safe behind the screen in their homes.

    Now i come on here an complain about things that i dont like about the game or that i, myself believe are issues with the game. I go to forums an game chats to discuss an see if anyone else could be having same problems or feel the same way. I dont mind the back an forth, an also dont get offended or mad. End of the day its a game. I like challenges an i dont mind playing against all the different styles an set ups other players use to win or have fun building an using.

    There is one deck that i have come to not. But i have ways to defeat it, just tired of going against it all the time.

    Other issue is the rng an cards being dealt. Just seems to set up or tampered with. Thats my opinion an what bothers me playing online.

    But im like most players an come to forums to vent an voice my opinion an see if others feel the same. I dont go as far as to complain to the developers an get to deep into it. Unless i started seeing alot of other players saying the same an complaining the same. THEN i would say that it should be brought to someone in position to make a change.

    This is just me having a discussion with you thejeffers. Not being rude or ignorant.