What Mega Pokémon do you look forward to in Legends Z-A?

I thought it might be interesting to check out what the fans like to see mega evolve in Pokémon Legends Z-A. Not much is known except the first trailer. Here are some Pokémon (from the trailer) that might get a Mega evolution. Choose the one you want the most of them all.
I've selected only Pokémon from Kalos that are already seen in the trailer. Please note, because they are in the trailer, will not say they get a Mega evolution. This poll is just to ask which Pokémon you wish as a Mega evolution from the Kalos region.
What Mega Pokémon do you look forward to in Legends Z-A? 12 votes
Mega Noivern
Of the options, Noivern, Talonflame, and Florges, but I'm most excited for Delphox. I'm also kind of hoping Diggersby gets a mega because that sounds cool.
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Mega Aegislash
there was a lot of cool pokemon from kalos so I would be happy with any and but i do hope that the starters get megas. They should have had them from the start.
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Mega Talonflame
Talonflame because Pidgeot got a mega in ORAS.
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Mega Noivern
noivern because i think it’s the pokemon who has the most potential to get a mega
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Mega Noivern
I'm kind of surprised no one has chosen Mega Pangoro. It sounds like it could be really cool.
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Mega Meowstic
@UnovanZorua I agree. But Meowstic is just so cute! ;3