Best way to beat the Giratina VSTAR deck, anyone?

When I started seeing a lot of Mimikyu being played, I joined in with the crowd crying about how "unfair" it was. Until someone called me out on it and reminded me a good part of the game is to figure these things out and gave me a hint or two. In that same spirit, I'm wondering if anybody has a hint or two about taking down the Giratina VSTAR structure deck? Once a few Comfeys get in play and enough cards end up buried in the lost zone I have serious trouble making any headway. ESPECIALLY if I'm playing a fire deck and Cramorant makes an appearance. Thoughts?
One: Cormorant should not affect a fire-heavy deck, as it does not hit for weakness damage. Two: to answer your question, the best way to easily beat Giratina VSTAR is probably to play Lugia VSTAR, as it can play V Guard Energy and Mist Energy to completely ensure that a OHKO is not possible.
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try chin pao ex it’s really good and helped me take out curtains the majority of the time or maybe relegate both are super strong water decks
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I would just outplay it, all of its matchups are 50/50 or 60/40 except Charizard, which I think just loses to Tina most of the time. But I also haven't seen Tina much on PTCGL, so I wouldn't worry much. If you think this matchup is too bad, I would play one or two Eri to remove some switching options, Eri also helps against C-Pao and Gholdengo ex.